It's hard out here for a pimp.
I told you to stay in school but do you listen? Now here you are, slaving away for goy money. Why can't you be like your brother Morty. He spends 2 weeks in Boca every February. Look at you.
My POTUS kicks ass at 40,000 feet.
Look, I know it's hard. Everybody is mean to you. It's super hard to feel superior when you're getting your ass handed to you day in, day out. But I care and I want to help. Tell me Moshe: what can I do? Are you warm enough?
I barely got out with my wigs and Emmys. I had to cancel my massage!
Laughs in evil.
It's almost like Maine never explodes in a fireball. Tough to figure.
I'm begging you. How can I help? You seem so sad and desperate. I can tell you've got writer's block. How can I inspire you? Would a nice schlep to the bakery help my special, special one?
Take Katie. She made her Jewish mother proud. She got all the inside Matt Lauer jokes. And did she complain? No! Only to her diary and the nice doorman she let in after the kids were asleep. Did she grovel for dirty Soros money? Well, yes. But not like you sitting in that dingy office. Following orders like a robot. Where did I go wrong? You're killing me!
Worrying never solved a darn thing. Let the magic hats handle this Dylan. I hate to see you upset. Do you have clean underwear on? Are you meeting any nice girls? I have brisket but I suppose you're too busy to visit your mother.
Somebody needs a magic hat.