both of these two soyboy faggots would cringe and run away if 41020 got anywhere near them - they are a couple of weak pussy boy faggots
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 11/09/18 (Fri) 3:58:17 No.436
POTUS on AF1 insulated
Tweets coincidence?
Timestamps matter
Anons ready?
Memes ready?
WE are in control
Patriots NEVER sleep
It has been a long year
Thank you for your servitude Anons.
Thank you for listening to all our crumbs and analyzing them to no end
Thank you for being the autists we know you are
Thank you Anons for being Anons
We are the PLAN
Trust the PLAN
Focus on Loop Capital
Watch the Water
[Hillary] 187 tomorrow
[Hussein] 187 tomorrow
[Warren] 187 tomorrow
Soros on charter to GITMO now
this dicksucking faggot sold a lot of those homes in malibu