Criminal Acts in Voting. (Florida etc.)
Criminal Acts in blocking Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
Criminal Acts of allowing illegal aliens to stay in the United States.
Criminal Acts of DACA.
Criminal Acts of not enforcing E-Verify.
Criminal Acts of left-wing mob at Tucker Carlson home.
Criminal Acts of left-wing mobs attacking republicans house and senate members in public places.
Criminal Acts of threats against PDJT.
Criminal Acts of sending Vanessa Trump white powder.
Criminal Acts of Hillary’s Emails.
Criminal Acts of the Clinton Foundation
Criminal Acts in Fisa.
Criminal Acts in the intentional framing of the President Elect DJT in conspiring with the Russians.
Criminal Acts in the intentional framing of PDJT in Russia Collusion.
Criminal Acts of Perjury by Clapper.
Criminal Acts of countless Perjuries before Congress.
Criminal Acts in the Uranium One Deal.
Obama allowing M-13 gangs to cross our borders.
Obama by Circumvented the Separation of Powers.
Obama disparaging the Judiciary’s Constitution Function.
Obama -by-passed the Judicial Review, made his Executive Branch the Reviewer.
Obama eliminated Judicial Check on Executive Power, which safeguards citizens’ life and liberty.
Obama Created an Intra-Executive Check on executive power, is not a check at all.
Obama made the final targeting decision acting as Judge, Jury and Executioner.
Obama bypassed the Constitution to enhance his own power, sidestep the other branches, and reach the outcome he wanted. (destruction of the Constitution, Substituted his own judgment for the Rule of Law) Note; this is a nation of laws…not men.
Obama had a duty to uphold and evenhandedly apply our nation of laws. (not).
Obama created a system were the President is above the Law.
Obama picked which parts of the Constitution to comply to and which to ignore; this was his process of destroying our Constitution.
Did not take Action when Obama received intelligence that NK had miniaturized nuclear warheads that can possible reach the Continental United States. (2013)
Obama telling Americans; Terrorist is the U.S. new way of life-accept it.
Obama Intentionally motivated hate and a divided the country in the name of racial discrimination.
No point in continuing this endless list. I’m sure most people here can add to this list. The point is everything circles back to the Rule of Law. The rule of Law protects/shields the Constitution and protects our way of life. As of this moment (which PDJT will change soon) no-one has been indicted for all the above alleged criminal acts. We all see and know the FBI/DOJ will not enforce the rule of law (shocking). The FBI/DOJ top management are allowing these criminal acts; knowing they are aiding and abetting in the elimination of our Constitution and as a result the United States will be gone within 10 years. Their motivation; immediate Power/Money and to be part of the elitists/globalist group; the new world order. Think about it; if the rule of law was fully enforced, we would not be in this mess.
There are people who state this is the way it is, there is nothing we can do, you just do not understand how things work, it would be impossible etc…NO! this has never happened to the level that are Constitution is going to be eliminated…most of it happened during the 8 years of Obama…and with this type of thinking…the Constitution would never have been written, the United States would never have happened and we would never have landed on the moon.
It is time to truly “RESTORE” the “RULE OF LAW” and the Constitution by having Grand Jury Investigations for Clinton Emails, Clinton Foundation, Fisa, Framing PDJT for criminal acts, IRS Lois Learner, Leaks, unmasking, Montgomery Files etc. for Treason, Sedition, Subversion, Espionage, Racketeering and all other crimes to ensure that this corruption doesn’t destroy our Constitution.
PDJT “Main Goal” in the next 24 months is to restore the Rule of Law and then we will have won this Civil War. We the people should demand immediate action in restoring the rule of law and not accept anything less than equal justice under the law. We the people in making this demand will help PDJT and save the Constitution and our way of life.