Anonymous ID: 45fe7c Nov. 9, 2018, 1:24 p.m. No.3822039   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2407 >>2567 >>2655

Mexican national released from local custody facing murder charges


NEWARK, NJ — A 23 year-old Mexican national who is illegally present in the United States is facing murder charges in Missouri. He was released from the custody of the Middlesex County Jail earlier this year after a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) detainer was declined.


Luis Rodrigo Perez was being held at Middlesex County Jail in December of last year on domestic violence charges. ICE issued a detainer and requested notification prior to his release, so that he may be taken into ICE custody and placed in removal proceedings. In accordance with their local policy, Middlesex County Jail did not honor the detainer, did not notify ICE upon completion of the criminal proceedings, and released Perez into the community.

“Yet again, an ICE detainer was ignored and a dangerous criminal alien was released to the streets and is now charged with killing three people,” said ICE Acting Executive Associate Director Corey Price. “Had ICE’s detainer request in December 2017 been honored by Middlesex County Jail, Luis Rodrigo Perez would have been placed in deportation proceedings and likely sent home to his country – and three innocent people might be alive today. It is past time that localities realize the perils of dangerous sanctuary policies and resume their primary goal of protecting their residents.”


“This tragedy might have been avoided had it not been for the reckless policy required of the Middlesex County Jail by their county officials,” said John Tsoukaris, Field Office Director of ERO Newark. “Despite such policies, ICE ERO will continue to enforce federal immigration law and prioritize public safety in the community.”


After his release from the jail in February of 2018, Perez eventually made his way to Missouri. He has now been charged in a triple murder that recently occurred in Springfield, Missouri.


Tsoukaris further explained, “We have tried unsuccessfully to work with Middlesex County Jail in the interest of public safety to accept detainers and to contact ICE prior to releasing criminals. There have been other cases where ICE detainers were not honored and those released went on to commit serious crimes. In this most recent case, Perez had a violent history, but despite that, the detainer was not honored. We hope that this tragic turn of events forces Middlesex to reconsider its policy and that the local elected officials stop protecting criminal aliens.”

Anonymous ID: 45fe7c Nov. 9, 2018, 1:29 p.m. No.3822113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2407 >>2567 >>2655

Cesar Altieri Sayoc Charged in 30-Count Indictment With Mailing Improvised Explosive Devices in Connection With Domestic Terrorist Attack

Anonymous ID: 45fe7c Nov. 9, 2018, 1:31 p.m. No.3822152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2233 >>2407 >>2567 >>2655

In Interview Just After Being Fired, Sessions Called Duration Of Mueller Probe ‘Unhealthy’


In an interview just after being forced to resign as attorney general on Wednesday, Jeff Sessions stood by his decision to recuse himself from overseeing the Mueller probe, while acknowledging that the length of the investigation has proved “unhealthy.”


Sessions spoke to Wall Street Journal’s Judith Miller as he was leaving the Justice Department.


Sessions told Miller that he did not expect the Mueller probe would last as long as it has. And though he suggested the 18 month investigation has lasted too long, he said that “the country is committed to this course.” (RELATED: Trump Fires Jeff Sessions)


He said that he is “confident” that the investigation is being handled “appropriately and with justification.”


Sessions was replaced by his chief of staff, Matthew Whitaker. A former U.S. attorney, Whitaker has publicly criticized the Mueller investigation.


President Donald Trump has made no secret of his frustration with Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia probe. Sessions recused himself on March 3, 2017 after revelations that he had undisclosed contacts with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the campaign.


The first senator to endorse Trump, Sessions served as chairman of the campaign’s national security advisory committee. Sessions had three encounters with Kislyak that he did not disclose during the Senate confirmation process. And while Democrats accused him of lying about the contacts, Sessions said that one encounter was a brief greeting while the other two involved his work as a senator on the Armed Services Committee.


Sessions’ recusal put Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in charge of the FBI’s investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government. Rosenstein appointed Mueller special counsel on May 17, 2017, a week after Trump fired Comey as FBI director.


Trump has said that he would not have hired Sessions had he known that he would recuse himself from the investigation. He has also accused Sessions of being disloyal.


But Sessions stood by his decision to recuse, which was recommended by DOJ attorneys.


“No one is above supervision,” he told Miller.

Anonymous ID: 45fe7c Nov. 9, 2018, 1:36 p.m. No.3822260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2475 >>2584 >>2655

BREAKING: Judge Finds Broward County Violated Constitution – Orders Election Officials to Comply by 7 PM ET



A Judge just found Broward County in violation of the Constitution and ordered election officials to comply before 7 PM ET Friday.


Florida Governor Rick Scott, who is also the Republican candidate for Senate, filed a lawsuit Thursday evening demanding Broward County election supervisor Brenda Snipes hand over several records, including how many more ballots her county still has to tabulate.


On Friday, a Judge ruled against Broward County.


NBC Miami reported:


Scott’s campaign filed a lawsuit demanding that Broward Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes turn over several records detailing the counting and collection of ballots cast for each day of the past week.


A hearing on the case was held Friday afternoon, where a judge said there was a violation of Florida’s Constitution and public records act. The judge ordered Snipes to allow inspection of the records on or before 7 p.m. Friday.


Rather than sit back and let Democrats steamroll Republicans, President Trump is going head-to-head with swamp-dwelling Perkins Coie lawyer Marc Elias who was retained by Dems to steal the election.


Protesters also descended on the Broward County election office Friday morning demanding Brenda Snipes be removed.


All hands are on deck to fight the dirty Democrats who are trying to steal the Arizona, Florida and Georgia elections from Republicans.

Anonymous ID: 45fe7c Nov. 9, 2018, 1:39 p.m. No.3822308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2430 >>2614

President Trump says more White House reporters could have credentials revoked


The White House could revoke more media passes, President Donald Trump suggested Friday during a news conference.

What happened?


During a morning media availability, a reporter asked Trump how long he was going to leave CNN reporter Jim Acosta in the “penalty box.” The White House on Wednesday suspended the media pass for Acosta, CNN’s chief White House correspondent.


“I haven’t made that decision, but it could be others also,” the president responded.


Trump also called out April Ryan, a White House correspondent for American Urban Radio Networks and a CNN analyst.


“You talk about somebody that’s a loser, she doesn’t know what the hell she’s doing,” Trump said.


The president on Friday also called Acosta unprofessional and unintelligent. Other mainstream outlets have defended Acosta.


The president also ridiculed CNN White House correspondent Abby Phillip who asked Trump if he wants acting attorney general Matt Whitaker to “rein in” special counsel Robert Mueller.


Trump responded: “What a stupid question that is. What a stupid question, but I watch you a lot; you ask a lot of stupid questions.”


Elisabeth Bumiller, the Washington bureau chief for the New York Times, said, “The president should not pick and choose who covers him, and he should certainly not force out a representative of one of the country’s leading news organizations, one that tens of millions of Americans depend on for their news.”


On Friday, CNN called Trump’s statement an “unprecedented threat” that “poses a serious challenge to the White House press corps and the association that represents them.”

Anonymous ID: 45fe7c Nov. 9, 2018, 1:50 p.m. No.3822536   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2599

U.S. Secretary of State Advocates War Crime Against Iran


Less than a week after US Secretary of State Secretary Mike Pompeo told Fox News Sunday that the “Iranians are responsible for the starvation’ of Yemeni civilians” he’s again issued hugely provocative words, telling the BBC during an interview that Iranian “leadership has to make a decision that they want their people to eat” in reference to the latest round of US sanctions.


As the interview was with BBC Persian, Pompeo’s words were immediately translated from English and broadcast to the Iranian public through BBC’s Persian-language publication. Pompeo repeated his theme that Iran is the world’s foremost state sponsor of terror and a “destabilizing influence” in the Middle East while ultimately blaming the country’s economic suffering on the intransigence of the country’s leaders.


Pompeo’s words came on the heels of Iran’s foreign ministry issuing a formal response to this week’s US sanctions snap back on the energy sector, publishing a 3-minute video of FM Javad Zarif on Tuesday wherein Zarif emphasized that the sanctions mainly targeted average Iranian citizens, referencing “the economic warfare that directly targets the Iranian people.”


The most contentious segment of the BBC interview was as follows:


QUESTION: You say you are not punishing the people. You say that the sanctions are not targeting the people. But what if —


SECRETARY POMPEO: No, they’re not.


QUESTION: But what if the sanctions hurt the Iranian people, the ordinary lives of them?


SECRETARY POMPEO: The folks who are hurting the Iranian people are the ayatollah and Qasem Soleimani and the Iranian leadership. That’s who is bringing the difficulties to Iran today. And you see this. You see this when you read of the protests. You see this when Iranian people have a chance to speak, although we know the human rights there don’t permit the Iranian people to speak freely. It’s the regime that is inflicting harm on the Iranian people, not the world and not the United States.


QUESTION: But as you – but you say that this is not a democratic regime. You say that the regime doesn’t care for Iranian people. But you say you do care for Iranian people.




— State Dept. transcript of the BBC Persian interview


But with hundreds of thousands of common Iranians reportedly now struggling to find life-saving medicines due to the sanctions, we doubt the Iranian public is going to be convinced of Washington’s “care” and “concern” for common Iranians.


In the weeks leading up to the November 5th round of sanctions European governments attempted to persuade the White House to agree to guarantees or waivers of Iranian imports of basic foods and medicine — pleas that were reportedly rebuffed.


Addressing the medicine issue in the BBC interview, Pompeo denied that the US was disallowing the flow of life-saving drugs into the country, and made the following assertion: “Not only are the transactions themselves exempted – that is, the transactions in medicine, for example – but the financial transactions connected to that activity also are authorized,” he said.