Anonymous ID: 21ab75 Nov. 9, 2018, 2:43 p.m. No.3823382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3444


not a word so far about celebrating muzzies who got two into congress or the paradise CA fire that wiped a town from the face of the planet.


27000 of our people just got displaced from their home. Our people. MAGA people.


more than a dozen died, no flag lowering, no tears and calls for 'protecting our people'.

(((they))) kill us daily, destroying our towns and homes.

Tit for tat for RBG?


Are we negotinating with (((them))) here or fighting a war?

Are we to allow a single more casualty to these scum?


We are told to trust the plan. This gets dimmer every moment nothing is done about these street level shits that roam free.


People are trying to EXIST.



Call upon us to take arms, we will.

Call upon us to kill specific groups and individuals, we will.

Organize people, we will answer the call.

Is there so little faith for those who would do these thing at the higher level.


Leave people to despair, we won't have a country we call our own in 4 years.


So we do not play (((their))) game.

How about smashing the board and shoving it down their throats?


Force is everything. Either we are fighting a war, as Q repeatedly said, or we are just bound and told to be slaughtered.


People kept asking for TANGIBLE actions even if only a limited basis for a reason.


US, at the TOP. THEM at the bottom.


Apparently the deplorables can just go fuck themselves while enemies run loose and if we act naturally we are going to be arrested, imprisoned and prosecuted by (((them))) and their agents Q team covers for harder than they cover for our very existence.


Because taking back our country by any means necessary is 'bad'. FIGHTING, apprently, is not what they entrust us with.

We are to wait quietly and 'change hearts and minds' while the only thing that will change 'hearts and minds' is force and direct violence visited upon these SUBHUMANS that dare to thumb their noses at us.


Start wiping out muzzy influences and subersives, or every day people are forced to endure this without little apparent push back, more they die and are pushed back until little is left standing.


We are NOT doing this to lose primacy. Forfeit that, forfeit the war.