Anonymous ID: 2cf863 Nov. 9, 2018, 2:03 p.m. No.3822736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2665 >>2853 >>3258

ARIZONA GOP claims Voter Fraud!


Republicans in Arizona and nationally are stoking claims of deliberate election fraud in the state’s U.S. Senate race as Martha McSally and Kyrsten Sinema await results of a vote that could swing in either’s favor.


The tight race has left Republicans in jeopardy of losing a Senate seat in the state for the first time in 30 years.


Though McSally held a lead in early vote totals, the tally flipped in Sinema’s favor Thursday night. Updated early results Friday morning kept Sinema with a 9,000-plus advantage, but an estimated 400,000 ballots remained to be counted.


The candidates and their allies poured tens of millions of dollars into advertising to help lock down the seat. While Republicans maintained control of the Senate in this week’s midterm elections, any seat picked up by a Democrat would eat into their narrow margin.


On Friday morning, the Arizona Republican Party accused Maricopa County Recorder Adrian Fontes of “premeditated destruction of evidence” after “voting irregularities” in the election.


The Arizona GOP has filed a lawsuit!


Arizona GOP Sues County Recorders


As the Senate race remains too close to call, Republicans are challenging the deadline for when mail-in ballots can be counted.


Republicans in Arizona filed a lawsuit Wednesday to challenge how some mail-in ballots are counted in the Senate race between Republican Rep. Martha McSally and Democratic Rep. Kyrsten Sinema.


The lawsuit, filed by Republican parties in the counties of Yuma, Navajo, Apache and Maricopa against all Arizona county recorders and Arizona’s secretary of state, is challenging the way some counties in the state count mail-in ballots that were dropped off on Election Day. There are more than 600,000 votes that have yet to be recorded and counting the outstanding votes could take days in a race that is too close to call, CBS News reported. If the Republican parties win the lawsuit, the ballots wouldn’t be counted.

Anonymous ID: 2cf863 Nov. 9, 2018, 2:04 p.m. No.3822749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3022 >>3082

Florida Elections Worker: I Was Fired For Witnessing Possible Absentee Ballot Fraud


A temporary worker for the Broward County Supervisor of Elections Office in Florida has alleged in a sworn affidavit obtained by Newsmax that she was fired this week after witnessing possible absentee ballot fraud by office workers.


But the State Attorney’s Office concluded Friday that the workers were duplicating ballots by hand from damaged originals faxed by military personnel and that “there is nothing improper or illegal about the conduct” under state law.


“We were understandably alarmed about what she witnessed,” Bob Nichols, a Fort Lauderdale attorney, told Newsmax in an interview.


Nichols is general counsel for the Broward Republican Executive Committee, which learned of the allegations on Thursday. He interviewed the former employee and reported the matter that day to the state attorney.


According to the affidavit, the former employee alleged that on Monday about 8:30 p.m. she had been told to take a stack of absentee ballot forms to what is known as the Pitney-Bowes Room at the Supervisor of Elections (SOE) office in Lauderhill, Fla.

Anonymous ID: 2cf863 Nov. 9, 2018, 2:06 p.m. No.3822775   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2851 >>3068 >>3241

Saudi Crown Prince Claims Assassination Attempt Against Him Was Thwarted


BBC Arabic reports based an exclusive Jerusalem Post story that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman told a group of Evangelical leaders who met with him in Riyadh earlier this month there was a recent plot to assassinate him, and that the plan was thwarted by Egyptian intelligence.


The Jerusalem Post first broke the story this week based on accounts of the returning Evangelical delegation who met with the crown prince on November 1. Joel Rosenberg, who led the delegation of American Evangelical Christians said MbS relayed that the head of Egyptian intelligence recently came to Riyadh to inform Saudi authorities that a terrorist cell with Saudi citizens had been caught in northern Sinai. “They were planning to assassinate me,” MbS told the American delegation.


The assassination plotters were reportedly arrested on Egyptian soil but it is unclear if they were transferred to Saudi Arabia or if they remain in an Egyptian prison. Likely MbS revealed the detail to elicit sympathy at a moment when for over a month he's faced unprecedented media scrutiny over the October 2nd murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul.


He told the Evangelical delegation concerning Khashoggi's death that his "enemies are exploiting this to the fullest" — perhaps implying that he's put at greater risk of an assassination attempt or violence due to the backlash and wave of criticism he's currently facing. He denied being behind the Khashoggi killing and condemned it as “a mistake” and a “heinous act” that will not go unpunished.


MbS further recently tried to present himself as vital to the West's war on terror, and said further in the meeting with American pastors: “We must fight the extremists and defeat them or they will stop us and the reforms we are making to make life better for the people of Saudi Arabia.” He also vowed to shore up relations with the US and other regional allies and said: “We are fighting extremists in the ideological war and we are fighting terrorists in a physical war,” according to the Jerusalem Post.

Anonymous ID: 2cf863 Nov. 9, 2018, 2:09 p.m. No.3822814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2862 >>2872 >>2915 >>2950

TRUMP WARNS OBAMA Something Big Is About to Drop: “I’ll Never Forgive Him…” For Something That Is About to Be Revealed (Video)


President Donald Trump unloaded on his predecessor, former President Barack Obama, on Friday morning. This came hours after it was reported that the former First Lady Michelle Obama slammed President Trump in her upcoming memoir.


President Trump was asked about the former First Lady’s attacks.

He hit back twice as hard — Saying he will never forgive her husband for letting down the troops.


Then President Trump shot a warning at the Obamas.

Something BIG is about to be revealed.


President Trump: So I’ll never forgive him for what he did to our military. I’ll never forgive him for what he did in many other ways which I will talk to you about in the future. But what he did, what he did to this military made this country very unsafe for you and you and you.


It is widely known but not widely reported that Obama spied on President Trump during the 2016 election.

But it is not known to what extent.

Former aide George Papadopoulos says he knows there was a deep state spy in the Trump campaign at a very high level.

Anonymous ID: 2cf863 Nov. 9, 2018, 2:15 p.m. No.3822910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2938 >>3011 >>3036

George W Bush, Starter of Two Wars, Will Receive Liberty Medal on Armistice Day


Former US President George W. Bush and his wife, Laura, will receive the Liberty Medal on Sunday in Philadelphia. With the award typically going to leaders "who have strived to secure the blessings of liberty to people around the globe,” more than a few people are baffled at the National Constitution Center’s choice.


The Bushes will receive the award on November 11, Veterans Day, which in Europe is known as Armistice Day. This year's Armistice Day is a very special anniversary, because it will have been exactly 100 years since the armistice that ended the First World War on the Western Front on November 11, 1918.


It's especially ironic, then, that Bush should be given a medal that typically goes to people who end conflicts or who fight for peace, such as Nelson Mandela and Malala Yousafzai, or overcome prejudice, such as Sandra Day O'Connor, John Lewis and Thurgood Marshall, on a day commemorating the end of what was once called "The War to End All Wars," when Bush's most notorious legacies are two colossal wars in the Middle East and the enormous expansion of the surveillance state in the US.

Anonymous ID: 2cf863 Nov. 9, 2018, 2:22 p.m. No.3823049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3388

What happened last time vote fraud was investigated in Miami? Oh yeah… "federal prosecutor found dead on Hollywood beach"


A month after the body of federal prosecutor Beranton J. Whisenant Jr. washed up in the surf on a beach in Hollywood, there is still no answer from police about what happened to him — but plenty of unfounded internet speculation.


Hollywood police and the Broward medical examiner’s office remain tight-lipped, declining numerous public records requests on Whisenant’s death. In the immediate aftermath of recovering his body on May 24, the department revealed that the highly regarded 37-year-old lawyer in the Miami office of the U.S. Attorney had sustained some type of trauma to his head.


But investigators haven’t added any information since, starting with the most basic questions: Gunshot or something else? Suicide or homicide?


“[Detectives] are still actively investigating it and are waiting for new evidence to come in,” said spokeswoman Miranda Grossman, explaining the department’s silence.


The wait for an explanation about what might have happened to the Miramar father of three has left friends and former colleagues searching for clues themselves and has frustrated some family members. One relative, Angela Padgett, the aunt of Beranton’s wife, contacted The Miami Herald to ask about progress in resolving what she said the family believes was a murder — by a gunshot to the head.


“The coroner told Beranton’s wife that he had a gunshot wound in his head when they turned over his body to the family” in late May for funeral services, said Padgett, who lives in Georgia. She said she was a “concerned family member who has not gotten a good night’s rest since Beranton was killed.”


Whisenant’s immediate family members, including his wife, Ebony, a doctor who teaches at Florida International University’s medical school, and his parents, both Jacksonville physicians, also did not return calls and emails seeking comment on a death that remains shrouded in mystery.

Anonymous ID: 2cf863 Nov. 9, 2018, 2:26 p.m. No.3823109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2665 >>3258

Anti-Semitism and the death of free speech




Despite your many years of research and your compelling evidence, you may no longer claim that the tragedy which occurred on 9/11/2001 was clearly the work of Jews — Jews who own Wall Street, Jews who control the U.S. government and Jews who operate most of the mass media in the world. Why may you not say this? Because it would be anti-Semitic.


When you read the history of World War I — at least as presented by Benjamin Freedman, a famous escapee from Judaism — you learn that Germany had won the war until the international Jews got their promise of Palestine in writing, and then the United States intervened, right after U.S. Jews had created the Federal Reserve and the income tax as a foolproof way to fund future wars. But don’t mention this to your friends as it would be anti-Semitic.


World War II was much the same scam. The Jews had locked up the Western world in a massive depression at the same time Adolf Hitler had created a successful workers paradise on the full faith and credit of the German people. Secret Jew FDR and his cabal of closet Communists baited Japan into attacking Hawaii and in four years 60 million people wound up dead because the Jews wanted to exterminate the major threat to their worldwide financial hegemony, which was Hitler’s economic miracle. But don’t put this in your memoirs. It would be anti-Semitic.