Thank you Baker.
Thank you Baker.
>Now comes the PAIN!
Yep. Tomorrow will be PAIN.
Are you ready for arrests?
Trust the plan.
Wow. Lots of fags in here today.
Clearly the AIDs is not working as intended.
Maybe we import a few militant goatfuckers to finish the job?
We can kill of the goatfuckers when the fags are gone.
>"Trust the plan"
Conveniently, this covers ALL shit predictions by Q.
And anons fall for it every time.
It's really quite clever … but it is indeed a larp or psyop.
Whatever it is, you are correct … it's no good.
This Snipes cunt is the perfect dimocrat patsy … black, female, dumb as shit, and even more corrupt.
Nothing will happen to her … and she won't rat out anybody.
Trump is calling Macron's idea insulting so that Europe actually goes out and builds its own military just to spite Trump … with military hardware purchase from the US.
The EU is dumb enough to fall for this … Kek!
>Mel Brooks
Mel Brooks is the only one that I feel bad for … but not too bad.
He's rich af too, and chose to live in California.
They'll all be OK.
How is Broward not on that list.
And why would the DOJ telegraph which counties the dims need to avoid in their fuckery?
Oh, that's right … Sessions.