TOO MUCH RED….yes…they are letting them steal it.
WHAT IF…the plan was to pretend to be cleaning washington…to keep us fat dumb and happy..all the while the globalists steal elections, our gov. grumbles and rumbles and postures but nothing really changes…made us lose the house…he sure as fuck did. No excuse not to DECLAS…there's an old saying about how it's better to get "secrets' out in the open so they can't be used against you….my guess is not one person he threatened with DECLAS actually "kept their promise"..well…except for OZ and May but they just secretly doubled down…
DECLAS would have made this entire voting fraud thing…redundant. NOW we have to listen to the screeching, endless reports on FRAUD NOT FRAUD….these diversionary tactics…now seem actually diversionary….(no don't look here you'll see what we are not doing)…
sum ting wong…we have either been right royally used in a bid to keep us quiet while they finished us off…or…
WHO ever thought Rinsed Penis was a good guy? WHY do you need to hire crooks to prove they're crooks? YOU already know they're crooks…why are you wasting our time and money with this bullshit?
MUH arrests…shooon shoon…trust the plan, trust Sessions…KEK now..since we CLEARLY couldn't trust Nelly Sessions…one wonders how much you can trust the plan?
SESSIONS did not have to cry in his resignation letter..WAAAAA forced to resign…which has started a WHOLE BRAND NEW stream of endless RIOTS..in which no one is ever arrested…and it's STILL not safe to leave your house…(wearing a red hat)..
Antifa is a terror group…noice..now, how many have been arrested? WHO got arrested after terrorizing Tucker's family? NO ONE is ever arrested and if they are (aka Clanton) they get a slap on the wrist no matter HOW much damage they do.