>Will recent [expected] voter fraud actions by the D party provide support for a >VOTER ID LAW?
I don't see how with Nancy friggen Pelosi in charge of the House
>Will recent [expected] voter fraud actions by the D party provide support for a >VOTER ID LAW?
I don't see how with Nancy friggen Pelosi in charge of the House
>They will NOT Pass any New Voter ID Laws…Won't happen until 2021 at the earliest….
and it should've been done while repubs controlled House & Senate for last 2 years….unless they can fucking get it done before Jan 2019
>about to be a whole lot of House of Representatives about to be indicted by mueller
Would love to see that…….but Not holding my breath!
>The house has passed a lot of bills that have been sent to the Senate and just sit there.
Was Voter ID one of them?
>we controlled nothing
In Jan 2019 We control LESS of the House than we do Now!
New Laws have to pass BOTH the House and the Senate….Nancy will NOT be passing any Voter ID laws…..
>Americans demand a new election with voting id
Not in the present U.S. Constitution to do such a thing….
>was reported that Brenda Snipes refused to comply with Court Order and release the Ballots for viewing by 7pm EST…
So where are the Florida State Troopers moving in and seizing them pursuant to a valid court order??????
>What happens to the newly & fraudulently elected people when it is proved in court that they obtained their seat illegally.
The HOUSE decides who are valid members and who are not….Pelosi will Never let more than one or two be removed….Period!
We've had the majority since Kavenaugh was seated…which is why the left tried to destroy him…