Anonymous ID: 299ef4 Nov. 9, 2018, 4:43 p.m. No.3825235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5306 >>5354 >>5392 >>5506 >>5516 >>5536 >>5576 >>5628 >>5661

Anons, help.

I just spent a week on vacation with my Boomer mother. She hates Trump - as a person, though not all of his policies. For whatever reason, she thinks he'd be a better President if he wasn't on Twitter. I don't really get it, irrational dislike.

She hates most Dems too in fairness.

Needless to say, election day spent with her sucked ass.


Anyway, we were talking about the Russia probe and she told me she didn't think they'd get him on collusion, but on money laundering with the Russians through the Scottish golf courses.

I didn't even know what the hell she was talking about.

Google searched to find articles from the New Yorker, Vox, and Bloomberg quoting Glenn Simpson's (Fusion GPS founder's) testimony before Congress talking about the money laundering thing.

It's so laughably FAKE NEWS that I don't even know how to respond.

She claims to have set her news feed to show liberal and conservative news (not really possible through the Apple news feed she's using).


Mom's not alone. A friend complains that his wife spends hours on the computer reading liberal news and is practically hysterical about the doom Trump is bringing us.

Both of these women are otherwise intelligent, educated people.


I know the Plan takes some time and I see many reasons for optimism, but the media is so deeply evil with its lies and I'm shook right now.


God bless Q, POTUS and all of the other heroes working to clean our great country.

I am praying for the Great Awakening and all of us.