Anonymous ID: 41e416 Nov. 9, 2018, 4:33 p.m. No.3825072   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3824975 (pb)

>Fuck Trey Gowdy. All talk no action. Another Q fuck up.

KEK…all show, no go…fancy on the outside, but only a 6 hp engine under the hood.


HE was part of the mollify the "right" crowd..we could see him "being tough on her"..we had no idea it was just theater at the time…he built our hopes…we got complacent…. Rowdy Gowdy…got a nice fan club…then (as usual) nothing actually happened..(again)…


Enjoy the show…because it's ALL a fucking show.

Anonymous ID: 41e416 Nov. 9, 2018, 4:35 p.m. No.3825094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5134 >>5595

>>3824775 (pb)


>Arrests not happening




We need to get real. If it were one of us….with average income and access to average lawyers…who did what Hillary did (just use her as an example since we all know she's a fucking crook)…how many years would it take for the government to arrest, charge and try us for those crimes?


15 minutes prolly…even faster if there's a joint involved.


SO by not arresting anyone, by not charging anyone (well Weiner got 15 months…I suppose we need to count him)…by making continual excuses MUH courts, muh midterms…muh…excuses…none of those things would need to be in place to go after me….


SO by doing this you (our government) is admitting that there is simply no justice for the little man, that our "justice" system is tiered….not equal under the law…that THEY have access to a completely different justice system…


and you want US to work for you? TO HELP YOU?


This is getting funnier by the day…what else can you 'reach' for?

Anonymous ID: 41e416 Nov. 9, 2018, 4:41 p.m. No.3825202   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I see your repost and repost a repost.


>>3822757 (PBQtard)




KEK….there's medicine for this kind of delusions…or you could get comfy with a nice fattie and chillax and conjure up something a bit more interesting…you'd probably be more fun and…become a strong advocate for legalization…cause now the states around my state people can fire up legally at will…but in my state? No one can fire up unless someone gets a cut. Corruption…you're funny.


Honestly the voting corruption has been so widely spoken about, so wide open…that I'm surprised you waited until AFTER the election to moan about it. Blockchain voting could have been implemented and all this fucking drama would never have happened.


OHHH CORRUPTION ….mystery…holy hell how did you spot it?


I mean, it's not like there aren't a shit ton of Project Veritas videos…and then that poor Roy fella who got attacked six ways to Sunday…and NOTHING happened. NOTHING happens with the gofundme money laundering, (ala FORD and you KNOW it…do nothing) the continual corruption at the FBI…nothing. ever. happens. UNLESS you're a small fry…


NOTHING is happening. "ALLEGATIONS"..fuck…nope, fraud, not "allegations".


WE are not important to Fake News…fuckitol…just something else to laugh about.


NO ONE ever should have been trusted except POTUS and his closest….(not Stone, Stone is a fucking Jewcrook of immense proportions…and quite possibly…well he'd kill to… so…at least there is someone from somewhere important monitoring this board)


Why do I need to sit here and type this shit. I'm a poor no body from a po' place..and yet even I know…trust NO ONE…


Heavy fucking fire…where the hell have you been for the past 3 years? Nothing has changed, it's the same fucking fire we've been under and are FATIGUED from….ever since Trump blew in on this new timeline.


WTAF are you even bothering to post here. FUCKING DO SOMETHING other than talk…about doing something.




What I KNOW is there is NO ONE who is in the least bit scared. Scared people toddle off into obscurity and hope people forget about them. That's NOT what is happening…so Qbro…that tells me this—-


THAT THOSE ASSHOLES STILL FEEL PROTECTED…if they still feel protected and still think they're going to come out on top…one has to fucking wonder WHY?


TRUMP needs to ditch the fucking old guard surrounding him…and lapping at his bloody heels hoping for more. HE NEEDS TO turn to the American people, and start hiring GOOD people…John James for example…we are all out here, many of us looking for jobs and you keep hiring from the same damn crooked pool.


Put me in charge of education reform…there will be a new bill written and ready to go within a month…but NOOOOO we still have rich betty toddling around…we still have common core, we still have fucking mentally ill teachers and professors…


Stop hiring fucking assholes. ALL AROUND this country there are outstanding men and women who would do a better job than the crooked shitheads you keep hiring.


Looking for something new in this drop….(((LOOKS))) nope, nothing.


You're appeals are slightly lacking in this one.


Emotional appeal


Buddy appeal (aka we…important)


YOU are witnessing (convincing us we're seeing something we're not…that's a bit spoopy area 51ish tho)


Pain…everyone can relate to pain…but I'm not seeing any pain. Sorry.


What standard deviation?…do you even know what that means? (pun intended)…


if you see all and hear all then surely you're in position to speak to coordinated attacks.'


What I am most interested in (and thanks for the attempt and diversion)…is the absolute corruption of the FBI. Vegas…still not a drop of truth over that, now the CA shooting..why is it so important to murder the victims of Vegas? YOU SEE ALL AND HEAR ALL…and this shit..happened on YOUR WATCH. OVER and over..fake bombs…FBI pretends they're real..most shooters on psych drugs, set ups…used by the gov.


IF these people are still doing what they've always done…that is the MEAN…as far as I can tell, there has yet to be any deviation from the mean…let alone a standard one.


FAIL…just literally you FAIL. But here, have a camel toe for playing (pic related).


(KEK now, how many of your sheep are going to be steaming mad I dared talk back to you?) INB4SHILL…they are very very predictable..sheep usually are.

Anonymous ID: 41e416 Nov. 9, 2018, 4:42 p.m. No.3825222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5268


>Useful idiot I assume his history deserves prison

Execution. Few of them holding office now deserve less than that.. we could fire up the guillotine and run that sucker 24/7 for a year and still not be done killing the ones that need killing.

Anonymous ID: 41e416 Nov. 9, 2018, 4:43 p.m. No.3825247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5343 >>5649


ANYONE that CNN thinks highly of…is a fucking crook.




HOW did this man's corruption escape the vetting process? WHO let this corrupt POS through the vetting?



Anonymous ID: 41e416 Nov. 9, 2018, 4:46 p.m. No.3825318   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Mrs. Hussein is female but those pics of "her" penis sure make that difficult to believe.

KEK no one believes that…quite possibly she is a hermie…it's clear she did not have those girls…and I think HIM..talking about it in his book is to get out ahead of a story that's coming…


old rule..he who gets to the police first…to tell their story, usually don't face any music.


He most certainly still has his dick…not sure what I'd call him..his assigned sex is female but he's got to be male..the whiskers etc.

Anonymous ID: 41e416 Nov. 9, 2018, 4:55 p.m. No.3825482   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5514


>Yep we all need to shutdown ALL OF US just say fuck it, no more till its changed,

I've been saying that for years…we just need to shut up, and SIT DOWN and stop feeding the beast.


I feel guilty for having voted for the red crooks in my state. I didn't change anything.

Anonymous ID: 41e416 Nov. 9, 2018, 4:58 p.m. No.3825535   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>More than doubled her lead. Is this just going to be allowed to stand?

Yes, of course it's going to be permitted to stand.


After all, Q just said there's too many in the swamp…


Name ONE person of any note….who has gone down for corruption in the last 3 years. Even NoName was allowed to die in dignity..(and don't EVEN tell me he was executed or didn't go out on his own terms, he went out exactly on his own terms with his "good" name intact.


McSally should be the winner, but she won't be. If they didn't support that poor Jones guy accused of doing something to a waitress…


Come on people…day after day now…Q babbles, nothing happens…three years of it.

Anonymous ID: 41e416 Nov. 9, 2018, 5 p.m. No.3825576   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Mom's not alone. A friend complains that his wife spends hours on the computer reading liberal news and is practically hysterical about the doom Trump is bringing us.


HOW is that any different or any less "checked out" than spending hours on the Internet reading some anonymous guy's promise that everything is OK…nothing to see here, trust the plan…everyone is asleep…on both sides.


Let's see if Q tells people to pray today :D

Anonymous ID: 41e416 Nov. 9, 2018, 5:02 p.m. No.3825617   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Tremendous fraud about to be revealed to public

Step away from the crack pipe…


Every time one of yous says this shit (about to be revealed) I just kek and hope I'm still alive in 2226 to see it.

Anonymous ID: 41e416 Nov. 9, 2018, 5:12 p.m. No.3825778   🗄️.is 🔗kun

One more thing…Trump and his ILLEGAL ALIEN fakery.


BUILD the wall…he has kept you very very busing pointing down to the border…and complaining about the lack of a wall..valid complaint really…I get it.




Enforce existing law.




why has he not started suing/fining those companies that do. No jobs? No illegals.


SO perhaps his cronies asked him to look the other way…big business…lots of money….why is he not enforcing THAT LAW?




so why aren't landlords being sued/fined for renting to illegals..this is federal law..


WHY the focus on the wall when it is AMERICAN businesses who are BREAKING THE LAW and inviting these illegals into OUR COUNTRY.