You sir are a champion and a scholar. That is one hungry butt!!
On the issue at hand. Good men are not allowed to rise to the front of the minds of the common man. Anything associated with the GODverment is anti people always has been always will be. No saviors are coming. Look at history and see what they do to the good men. 187. I am super lurker never post. But that booty. Damn had to show love.
The work here is good. You all should keep it up minus the Q shit because we need the news. Real news.
There has been a lot of signs but nail should have been voting.
The act of registering to vote<no matter red or blue> is consent for your GODvernment to continue the Anti people Fuckery it keeps up all over the world. Votes have never matter. And never will. The system is obsolete. And there is no law.