thoughts on: muh comped bakers..
I just baked two breads this afternoon. I saw the commentary that went around, and now I'm putting in my 2 bits after having a smoke.
I think everyone should bake at least once in their journey here, I only do it if it seems like we might get fucked with no baker. Because, it's got to get done..
We know the shills will pick on any angle they think will weaken the board. Just this afternoon/evening we had a wave of this. Now, I will tell you right now, that the system that's in place right now is fine, and this is in no way to be construed as a criticism of /BO/ or /BVs/, or any of the other bakers today for that matter. Even if there were shill ones.
Because here's the thing:
Even if a "vetted" baker is in fact comped, anons will keep valid information anyway, and wait for a baker they feel is more objective. Because nothing anyone can do can keep the lid on now anyway..
So the fact that anyone with a clean "past" (ie- no prior subversive history)can still bake, and the "vetting" proccess is for the most part as open as it can be without doxxing, [they] can never win by trying to insert "bakers". Because anyone can bake.
Step the fuck up _and__ bake, fuckers.
Then at least you can know what it's like to bake, before you bitch and complain.