Anons When Q said ….Elections won’t matter …. We all thought that they would arrest everyone before Election Day ….. What it actually meant was the election will go off as planned and we will let the fraud go on ….. Then we will reveal the Taint and Demand New Election with New system …including Voter ID …… Game Set Match
The left is gonna go crazy …. But when we do the election again we will have 65 senate seats and the House
Do you think POTUS would have said Voter fuckery going on if he wasn’t right ? He is never wrong…… Elections will be VOIDED
The FISA threat was to make them desperate to rig elections ….. What better way to get All Americans behind you ….. Lock up people for some BS he said she said FISAs or Stealing Elections fro Public
So new election with New system with Voter ID …… Landslide for Republicans by Millions of votes ….. They won’t be able to walk the streets without being cursed out for their Fraud ….. Americans will unite over this ……
Election will be Voided ….Military is on standby …. Dems are done …… New Elections
Voided elections …….. New Elections …..Dems go nuts …..Military on standby
Guys Tucker out …Hannity was recorded …..Now Ingraham is out ……. Me thinks something big is gonna go down this weekend ….POTUS is away ….POTUS had meeting with SC justices this week …… They might be in SCIFs when Trump Voids this whole Election ……
Anons ….Fox News is saying Corruption history ….. Sounds like they know this is a Fraudulent vote …… Get ready …..
Well the three are out …POTUS did meet with SC justices …….Q mentioned SC justices will need Protection shortly ……. Why ?… Rule on a Constitutional crisis from A secure SCIF ….POTUS away for protection
Listen Fox News would normally say that a few states are behind on counting Ballots ….. They are going all in on Fraud ….Why ? They know where this is going …. Narrative is corruption not maybe Corruption ….
Q told us they were delaying ….. Hopes of Stealing Mid terms …… He put so much stress on the big wigs by threatening to release Unredacted FISA …… They know if that gets released they all go to jail ….. So release it and Dems will say it was Trump getting even with Dems ….. still divided ….. Force them to steal it and monitor it all Video ,Audio , Texts from all the Big wigs ….. Then show public How your elected officials stole elections to prevent themselves from going to jail …….. That’s the winner that unites country