A map is a representation of reality. Q's educational program of crumb tossing and research has resulted in our development of a map that represents reality, not the Alice in Wonderland narrative provided to us. The public, however, is spellbound by the narrative and their view of reality is an Alice in Wonderland fantasy that they believe to be the truth. They are asleep, in darkness.
The central problem is how to wake up the American People who are enspelled. Understanding the map is the first issue, which means understanding how things really work, who the real players are and what their relationships really are.
The keystone is Donald J Trump, who was recruited to become the President of the United States because only the presidency has the power but it has to be held by the right man. The Wizards and Warlocks helped him and prevented the election from being stolen and after he became President, he had the full power of the US military behind him. There are advantages to that and it means he will win the hard battles, but there is another issue that we have to deal with.
The KEYS are individual issues that will unlock an individual's perception of reality (their map). One key is the proof of wild political corruption. Another is the pedophilia. Another is the suppressed cancer/AIDS cures. These are issues that will cause the public to change their perception of reality. They are very powerful keys that will unlock minds and allow the truth to be received. With that truth, the light can be shown on other issues and their map of reality will change.
There is no one, single map because different people can have different perspectives, but the map must represent reality. There is no single key, no single truth and no particular perspective from which the light must shine, because everyone is different. What will work for some will not work for others. Right now they are in darkness, enspelled and asleep. With the right keys they will know the truth and open their eyes to see the light. MAP, KEY, TRUTH and LIGHT were repeated, but HUMANITY only once. There is only one humanity.
Q has repeatedly stated that the future proves the past and I know that some of the answers we think we had months ago have been proven to be incorrect because we are able to see much more now.
Some things are not worth arguing because they divide rather than unite, which is why we need to focus on the major keys first. That means going back to the earliest Q crumbs and re-examining them. Once again Q has told us plainly that we are missing connections. A spider web was used as an example. Spider webs have lines of power/influence running outward from the center, but they are supported by the connections on each line of power. For that we must start again with the 40,000 view and make a map of the connections according to the keys. There can be many webs, all connected back to the cabal.
How are the connections (individuals/groups) connected and what keys connect them?
Political Corruption
Business Corruption
Secret Societies
Satanism/ritual murder
Blinding People
Suppressing Truth
Profiting From The Misery of Others
This, I believe, needs to be explored carefully and fully so we can build a comprehensive map that allows the future news to be read correctly.
How does Q have information about all this? That's classified. Trawling all this data is part of their job, but revealing it is a crime. So, they know the truth but our laws protecting our civil liberties are being used to keep the people deaf, dumb and stupid. That was the entire point of the memo, getting the classified material unclassified so the people could see the truth and wake up to the corruption.
Right now, if the American People had enough of an issue they might turn against the President and he could be removed from office, so it's critical that the people be awakened and go from being asleep to being awake in the light. As long as they're enspelled they will believe the lies the MSM tells them. However, it's not enough for the evil MSM/MOCKINGBIRD garbage to end, all that does is end the lies. The public needs to be educated and the keys will open their eyes.
95% of the people will not respond to dialectic, the facts, logic, reason, evidence and testimony of a rational argument. They will respond to rhetoric, which is purely emotional. The memes are rhetorical in nature and that's why they work so well if used correctly. The most powerful emotion? Shame.