What’s up with Q’s Board?
Is it just me or is everything gone?
2 Messages is all I see.
Show all pats doesn’t work on my end.
Anyone else or just me?
What’s up with Q’s Board?
Is it just me or is everything gone?
2 Messages is all I see.
Show all pats doesn’t work on my end.
Anyone else or just me?
I live in Southern California in the same Fuckery is going on again.
Just as Q said:
What do you do when you want money? Do you start fires. This is so suspect. I know you around the country aren’t experiencing this could care less but this is a reality here.
Fires like 5 miles from me
Bless you Anon
I know we’re all Anons here.
But, I have a name.
1 in 7 is my name
One in Seven
We Won the Election.
You Lost.
We are Democrats and Above your laws….nobody can touch Us.
Not even your Q
Hey I’m bored…
Trump actually put these people in charge of GITMO where noname really is.
This will be disclosed next year