”They want you divided.” How do we as anons work together instead of being torn apart?
ALL links below are PB:
After Q Post 2461, A DIG REQUEST was put out and anons responded. But for some reason, it was hard to get the Baker to add what was found to Notables. There ensued a heated debate between another anon and the Baker about what should be added (>>3825059, >>3825085, >>3825146, >>3825146, >>3825168, >>3825547, >>3825085; the anon eventually accused the Baker of being comp’d (>>3825660). Clusterfuck.
Up to that point, I wasn’t paying much attention, because I was trying to keep up with daytime posting, which goes so fast. But one or two of the things the anon was trying to get Notable-ized were my posts. I appreciated his insistence, although it wasn’t having much of an impact. We both noticed how short the notables list was. Baker said he was busy. But the anon got really frustrated. I finally shot him a message so he’d at least know I appreciated his work:
▶Anonymous (You) 11/09/18 (Fri) 17:11:361e2fa3 No.3825765 >>3825796
I'll re-post the info on the Q dig (from lb) and the current copy of the Kate article next bread. I am patient. You make a point though. For whatever reason, the Notables list this bread is pretty darn short, though–there are many good posts not there.
I was patient, but had the same problem as the other anon. I did get some of the material on Post 2461 into Notables (the “Kate” article >>3826371) in the next bread. That article is not new, but it IS relevant to Post 2461, especially when linked to other material. For best results, the related material should stay together (or at least in neighboring breads). Baker said ok to adding the other post.
But the board went down and I couldn’t post. By the time I uploaded the material to the next bread, requesting a Notable, the new baker didn’t like that I made the request. I tried to explain but he wasn’t interested. I was polite, and said ok, I’ll re-post later. He told me to go fuck myself.
This whole experience left a sour taste. It’s devastating on some level.
Maybe this is just a communication glitch or a difference of opinion. But when a dig is called, and anons spend a long time working together towards a goal, how do you ensure it actually leads somewhere? Where is that person who can step in and make sure things go smoothly?
A lot of people put in time and energy to gather info today. But much of it was contained in brief exchanges—a comment here or a link there. My goal was to synthesize separate facts into a coherent whole, so that valuable info doesn’t get lost just because it’s in separate, short posts. My approach was to tie it together in one longer post that includes facts, conjectures, and questions that can be used for future digging. I think that is the sort of material that most belongs in Notables.
Today’s dig was a great experience, lots of sharing of info and uncovering new stuff. But it didn’t end well. When a dig is called, and the baker is not interested in the results, what do you do?