Copy pasta copy pasta moar, muh jew. It makes you GLOW!!!!
There is no room for hate in our timeline. It's good vs. Evil.
Copy pasta copy pasta moar, muh jew. It makes you GLOW!!!!
There is no room for hate in our timeline. It's good vs. Evil.
Top motherfukin kek, anon!!!!!
All you can do is copy pasta copy pasta, copy pastas.
What else you got?
Blaming a whole group of people is fake and gay AND OVERPLAYED Thats what got us into the PC mess we are in RN.
didn't Q say that its not about any one group?
Do you even Q?
No, all you do is copy pasta copy pasta jew kike bitxh copy pasta…. Old, boring, overplayed over and over and over and over again.
I don't make excuses for any guilty person. Jews, Christians, Muslim, black, white, brown, red, yellow, purple, orange, man, woman, and any other can either be good or evil. That choice belongs to individuals. Anything else is plain stupid, gay and or fake!
Per Q