because public is fucking psyop'd delusional and need the ego boost of 'nailing em' to do the right thing.
The entire thing is a movie designed to wake up general public and get them on our side.
(((msm))) is attacking to try and demonstrate their 'power' which POTUS and Q team deftly uses to expose and beat them down.
Problem is about 20% of the population is full muh feelz and 6-8% are beyond recovery.
If you got rid of even half of that 6-8% and destroyed the msm/kike NWO psyop mechanisms that run the anti-white agenda, America will restore itself demographically and spiritually with equality and justice for all within less than 30 years, with winning all the way.
Literally cutting out the 50% of the irreconcilable laitno pop and sending them back to below rio grande and expelling most muzzies + dismantling the kike psyop network and ridding many fifth column asiatic/south asiatic indian and paki pop.
It's actually very simple math wise.
More we wait to actually begin expulsions, more people we lose however.