Mh, I just changed my mind about this.
I would agree to the article, if it weren't for there two flaws:
1.) If the Q movement is fake or not real, why did the administration or even POTUS himself not deny yet that Q is real? Even after the Pittsburgh shooting, Trump didn't even mention Q or made any attempts to shutdown this board (and Trump is in public very Pro-Israel). So far, the only time Q was mentioned in the administration was when someone went violent and Sanders denied that they stand for any violence. However, Q was never directly mentioned by anyone of the Trump Administration nor did they confirm or deny Q. The argument, that it would hurt republicans reputation doesn't really count in my opinion. The shootings that were associated with Pizzagate before (before even Q existed or went mainstream) or other crimes were already enough ammo to hunt the POTUS down.
But as we saw, all this didn't work on him since we know already that the media loves to attack Trump, and so it has little to no effect. So why does the Trump Administration not bother to settle this Q case once and for all? Just a few words like: "No, the Trump administration is not associated with the fan-made Q movement. And we do not support the violent crimes spreading from it". That's it. And even if Mueller took the bait and would investigate it, he wouldn't even find anything except for some guy sitting in his basement writing info he gathered from the web.
2.) Why did nobody, even in MSM, speculated yet that Q could actually be connected to Trump and kinda be an operation for the morale and motivation for US reps? Not saying, that would be the case, but why did nobody in MSM or even Mueller himself mentioned it or at least have suspicions? Assuming they do not take it serious and ignore it, it would literally be a waste of time. Looking at the current state of Mueller's investigation, he would probably look into everything that could harm POTUS in any way, so why not Q? It would be the perfect attack. Nothing of this happened. And Q is mainstream for a while now, enough to be known to nearly every politican out there. Even here in Germany there was a whole program (ProSieben) just featuring the Q movement.