lot of us have been thinking the same way. But as a free thinking man, it never hurts to observe and remain vigilant in case Q is a psyop. On the other hand we all still got each other. Dont leave the board dude. Keep an eye and observe.
all very good points my fren. For now IM just watching. Cant do much else but see how it plays out. The whole Martial law thing and all.
agreed. Cant beat the chan memes. NO power is greater than that.
pretty much. THere are instructions to bake somewhere around here. IM not in a position to find it ATM. WHen other chans are done making fun of you one of them should direct you to them.
lol you couldnt be more correct. Lotta experts on Q from day 1. I been here since Feb I think, but that and a few bucks is worth a cup of coffee.
yea leave nasim anon alone. hes cool.
fukin kek
someone pulled an all nighter. U still drinkin and postin?