Anonymous ID: 2358da Nov. 10, 2018, 6:30 a.m. No.3832944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2970 >>2978 >>2997 >>3271 >>3280

The absolute state of this board today.


A few things.


Gorka is a piece of shit. Thrown out on his ass for being an untrustworthy leaker. Anything he says about Q is bullshit.


Sundance is a fat, lazy asshole with zero sources. Disregard.


The election is the springboard for a lot of shit to pop off. A. LOT. Just because you don't see something reported in the MSM doesn't mean it didn't happen. Watch for context clues for fucks sake. You really think MSM is going to report POTUS is at war behind the scenes? NOPE.


RGB, RR, out. I suspect even DiFi as rumored.


Watch for Pelosi to change her tone and stance or also be out.


Keep watching. I'm right, you know.