MaCrony's dummy is missing.
I hope Trump DOES have a meet with Putin 11:11.
Make me a little parteee
I see Q's where her tits are at.
probably ordered to go on 11:11 do disrupt on purpose the good things that will occur from mr Trump.
Fake as Neil Armstrongs fake moon footprint.
Macron,is a Dummy with a Dummy (in his mouth)
Shills car? glows.
Celebrities, desperados, the lot of 'em.sold their souls to the devil, now their soul is under their soles.
good guys stopping bad guys, winning is for competitors of a game, is this a game, or life?
Hope you are ready for a false start on a flase flag at the borderline
The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.
3 shakes please. what? oh, 3 sheikhs please.