Anonymous ID: 69f0af Nov. 10, 2018, 8:40 a.m. No.3834280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4697 >>4755

grandfathers 85th birthday gathering yesterday. Both g-parents are staunch democrats, NO ONE else in the entire family is any longer, havent been since Husseins 2nd term, well, g-parents watch MSM and nightly news like going to church. Parents cant talk to them about much anymore due to politics. I spent ONE hour with them last night, ONE hour on this topic, as gently as possible. Let me say this anons, people I love dearly, who I NEVER thought I'd see question things, are now questioning so much that I was exhausted explaining things until the moment I had to leave for the night. And it all started with yesterday's nightly news on ABC, fiance and I said watch, theyll cover gun control, shooting, cali fires, and MIGHT mention recounts in florida, but will not mention the illegal in cali magazine, or dare mention voter fraud or even specific counties where it's happening, proven right before their eyes, simple, not extreme, but enough to start a legitimate conversation. We are winning, even if we feel defeated from time to time, I do understand we are in a public domain, the evil sees this just as we do, but we have definitely been given enough and have woken up enough to wake up our friends and family if done properly.


Had to share, if nothing else but for anon motivation. I'm still shocked now 17hours later, Democrats since JFK, in 1 hour are now questioning at least 30 topics we touched on last night.


if you have liberal/left leaning family and friends, start even more basic than you can imagine, more gently than you're thinking right now, on topics on their tv in front of them, pick it apart before it happens on tv, and they WILL listen, this was proven to me last night.


As always, WWG1WGA, Happy Birthday Marine Corp.!