SO what is being done about it Q?
Care to address the lack of unity by 11.11.18?
Face reality anon. Q said we would be united by 11.11.18. That's not going to happen tomorrow or next week. How can we keep believing when so many promises have not come to pass.
Welcome to the club. So much fraud has already occurred. Recount will do nothing to assure it's legit.
So which truth did the world discover in July? Guess I slept thru it.
If that helps you sleep at night….
So, just simply having a machine recount is going to stop the fraud and put the criminals behind bars and make sure our elections are safe from now on. Gotcha.
Didn't we say that after 2016?
You have to wait until a crime is actually committed before doing anything about it. Feckless Congress did nothing to pass laws to stop this cheating.
Rick Scott, Governor of Fl is no stranger to Broward Co. corruption. Does nothing about it until it's his election at stake. Of course, he is part of the corruption, so….