Anonymous ID: d836b7 Nov. 10, 2018, 10:32 a.m. No.3835965   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dark to light, these forest fires in CA bring into the Light the Harsh Reality of the Demographic Change in California and America.


I remember reading a few years ago now an La times article about how the increasing Latino population didn’t give a shit about the sparks and forests and wanted that money for themselves to the ire of White Liberals.


So they started promoting the Parks to the Nonwhites and surprise surprise: Graffiti, trash, property crimes skyrocketed in the Parks


Who would have thought that People who didn’t share your genetic & cultural background would NOT SEE THE WORLD in the same light as them? Who would have thought that People who openly talk and promote taking power from you and never giving it back would not want the same Reality as You?


Here’s a NPR article stating the same thing/ The Nonwhites In America do not care about Forests/ Parks and want that money for themselves


When America becomes Majority Nonwhite, You will see the National and State Parks service end. That will be the beginning of America’s transition into South Africa


I see the Plan as the Dead mans Switch, a final fuck you to people who forced this upon us, take them out before the Light goes out.


I pray I am wrong about how this all ends