Anonymous ID: 5c75ea Feb. 15, 2018, 2:21 a.m. No.384140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4173

I’m trying to fly @ 40,000ft, please don’t let me get too close to the sun.


As Q has stated, “Nothing is random” “Everything has meaning” “Double meanings”

(3 letter agencies, corporations) Many faces/masks/fronts, single connected entity/hierarchy/network (clowns)

(7? is the # relevant? super computers//at least 7 ‘personalities/faces/masks’) (SNOW WHITE) (Is it possible there is a rogue actor within the rogue actors (double agent)?)


Let us gaze down this rabbit hole for a moment (forgive the symbols just how I note)

“Red October”

“Drop “the hunt for”” -Q


Red October may refer to the following:


~underwater/submerged/under the surface/undetectable by types of instruments/water/


~high-level cyber espionage campaign, acquired “hundreds of terabytes of data” across various nations and industries, legitimate top-secret type of info was acquired.

~”The attackers began their assault with spearphishing emails or infected documents tailored to appeal to their targets.”

?What is the most logical deduction to be made here regarding the ‘tailor-made’ness of so many emails to so many individuals/organizations/nations which this ‘malware’ infiltrated?

!Thinking second-order/secondary outcomes/processes from first-order/primary principles

?What is AI?

!”The NSA has everything going back to 2009”

?How long was RED_OCTOBER active, before detected?

~"there is a high degree of interaction between the attackers and the victim - the operation is driven by the kind of configuration the victim has, which type of documents the use, installed software, native language and so on."

?What/who has the capability to adjust to so many variables?

!Perhaps a sophisticated AI and/or a team working in congruence with one another.

!RED_OCTOBER :: solely sought information on high value targets.

~”Information harvested from infected networks was reused in later attacks. For example, stolen credentials were compiled in a list and used when the attackers needed to guess secret phrase in other locations. To control the network of infected machines, the attackers created more than 60 domain names and several server hosting locations in different countries (mainly Germany and Russia). The C&C [Command & Control] infrastructure is actually a chain of servers working as proxies and hiding the location of the ‘mothership’ control server.”

?Is it possible there is no ‘mothership’ control server?

?What is the blockchain?

?What is the blockchain being used to accomplish in the public sphere?

?Is it a coincidence that BTC’s astronomical rise occurs alongside the appearance of Q?

& “… a multi-functional attack platform that includes several extensions and malicious files designed to quickly adjust to different systems' configurations and harvest intelligence from infected machines. The platform is unique to Rocra (i.e. RED_OCTOBER) and has not been identified by Kaspersky Lab in previous cyber-espionage campaigns…”

& “"The main purpose of the operation appears to be the gathering of classified information and geopolitical intelligence, although it seems that the information gathering scope is quite wide,"”

! “Wizards & warlocks” “1 of 4.”

~ ‘wizard’ :: 4. Computers. a software feature that guides users through complex procedures with step-by-step instructions, often presented in dialog boxes.

~ ‘warlock’ :: Warlocks are distinguished from wizards as creating forbidden "pacts" with powerful creatures to harness their innate magical gifts.

!I will note that Q stated also, “{40,000ft. v. necessary to understand [US]}/SA/global events.

Paint the picture.

{Decrease altitude (we will not fly that high again)}.

Higher the altitude greater the [risk] of conspiracy ST.

Many cannot/will not swallow. “

!It’s likely Q has decided here that such things, perhaps specifics, will not be divulged in order to protect their message. This is understandable. Many could not or would not accept certain truths (perhaps some in regards to Q). The messages going forward would contain more specific details and less general/broad data (data which patriots turn into information).


?Is there more being revealed to us by Q we have yet to understand? Is all to be shared?

!Obviously, we must remain persistent. Persistent in analyzing, vetting, and propagating the message.

!I have additional queries but I have left them out of this as I think they may go too high in altitude and/or are not immediately relevant.

!MAP provides KEY (is the key knowledge?) patriots’ Knowledge spreads TRUTH, truth shines LIGHT (shifting of narrative?) LIGHT saves HUMANITY (from, well, y’all know.)

?Am I onto anything here or should I redirect my attention elsewhere, Q? Anons? Just tell me I’m crazy and I’ll go back to the hole I crawled out of and simply witness. Thank y’all for your attention, just trying to help but possibly my particular flavor isn’t pertinent.


God bless y'all