Anonymous ID: 5fb8f5 Feb. 15, 2018, 1:48 a.m. No.384008   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4049 >>4069 >>4129


It's really quite simple. Watch Psycho-Pass. Not the Matrix. To understand the Matrix, you have to understand human history. You do not get human history from the Matrix.


I have quite a bit of experience of opening my mouth and speaking quite casually to those around me… only to see their eyes glaze over in either confusion, or awe. Was taught addition and inherently understood the concept and existence of exponents.

The number of people genuinely counted among my peers out of hundreds of people can be had on a single hand. By comparison, the average person is endlessly amused by eating, fucking, and shitting. I actually find the average person charming because they can accomplish such amazing things in their freedom, when my contact and assessment of them is incredibly low.


But let's focus on that idea, for a second. Let's say I don't find them endearing. Let's say I fail to look at what they have accomplished on their own, and focus only on that assessment of them. What are they, to me? Tools. Implements. Things to be brought under my ideas and made to further things I have deemed to be worth their time and energy to pursue.

I won't deny that my own mindset touches on a bit more than a tangent with the cabal. I will almost always be on the outside of society, looking in. The things I naturally enjoy thinking about are so far removed from the average person that it is curious to think I am part of the same species. You could say I am a Laputian who was beaten upside the head early enough in the upbringing of commoners to no longer need a straightener as escort. That said, it is next to impossible for people such as myself to truly become a part of society. The question is whether we view our role as being peripheral to society or authoritative within society. Whether we have the right, duty, etc to give purpose to the animals who look suspiciously like us.


If you are the type who can violate laws with no consequence. If you are the type who can engineer economies or literally purchase nations…. then why would you believe in such a thing as God? Why would you believe in anything other than power and the expression of it? Life after death is a silly concept created by the ignorant apes to cope with suffering and self-adhere to moral standards I can re-envision for them. The sky-man has yet to reach down and smack me or my ancestors upside the head - why would I believe that even the laws of physics hold a candle to who and what I am?


There is a deep madness beneath the cabal that compels them to feed upon the labors of humanity. We are without purpose, without existence. What do we do - build, reproduce, die, and crumble… Their 'spiritual evolution' arrives at Nihilism and takes root. It only extends into Narcissism, from there. They are what gives humanity purpose. They give us something that endures. In their minds, we exist for them to use and abuse.

Emotions… feelings… families… these are not things they understand like you or I. These are tools they use to interface with society for the purposes of manipulating it. Most within its upper tiers don't love. They don't understand the concept of giving to another without it being attached to some attempt at engineering. They are machines that have learned to act enough like humans to persuade us into allowing them to rule our society.

But they are not 'human.' Just as I don't feel truly a part of human society, they reject the notion they are part of us. Where I struggle with the fact that I know how you are going to interpret what I say, and that I am selecting what I am going to say based on that - this is something they embrace, completely and totally. They do not have feelings. They do not have emotions. Everything they do is built on manipulation. It is a response they select not because they feel something - but because of how they think you will perceive and react.


I detest that about myself - It is partly why I avoid romantic relationships. While the average person plays the same game, in many cases, they are blissfully unaware and accompanied with plenty of genuine attempts to express a held feeling.


Do androids dream of electric sheep? There are people, some who walk among you… many who look down on you from within your institutions who are robots pretending to be human. They will not prompt a magnetometer, there are no synchros or servos to pull out of their bodies… they are all completely organic, but they do not function the same way you or I do. If I can be said to be anything than a much better actor than they are, myself - as I can at least feel something for people.


Bit of a spoiler warning for Psycho-Pass: https://

Anonymous ID: 5fb8f5 Feb. 15, 2018, 2:24 a.m. No.384153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4170


Unfortunately, the true artists have bene largely run out of Hollywood. About the only place you are going to find art, culture, and depth in any media production is out of Asia - which means it is probably in an animated form as far as what gets exported.


I realize that some people can't do anime, for whatever reason (probably because people seem to think it's all hentai, or something), and the genius of its design requires it be made into a format that the average person can digest - it would have to be an extremely faithful live-action rendition. Which means any current Hollywood producer who tries to produce it should probably be killed to prevent repeats of the other atrocities they have committed to Dragon Ball, Ghost in the Shell, etc. When you can fuck up Dragon Ball… eh… I'll just stop.


Point is, western media is generally a trainwreck. I was absolutely shocked when I saw The Greatest Showman and wasn't inspired to drop a 537.82 yottaton yield warhead on Hollywood and end all of the inner planets along with it.


I guess what I am trying to say is that I am actually inspired to try and put together a live action production of Psycho-Pass that passes along the story to an audience that steers clear of anime. Almost entirely frame-by-frame re-make as budget/tech/reality allows. Sounds extra anal, but when Hollywood starts getting 'ideas' - you get The Last Jedi "I'm going to be deep by having all the characters do the opposite of what common sense suggests." Type "elitist" thinking where the rest of us are just too stupid to understand how deep and amazingly improved the series is.


But I am getting a bit slippery and slidey at the moment. Another discussion for a different place.