Anonymous ID: ea278b Feb. 15, 2018, 3:52 a.m. No.384477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8764


Please watch Dr Steven Greers recent documentary "Unacknowledged" and you will hear multiple credible MIC whistleblowers with various levels of top secret clearance confirm the existence of ET's, multiple races, and back engineering of UFO's. Ben Rich CEO of Lockheed Skunkworks said "We already have the technology to take ET home" before he died. Lot's of old military / intelligence death bed testimonies coming out. Listen to William Tompkins on Project Camelot 2016, he was 93 then passed away last year. Listen to David Icke who has spent 30yrs+ extensively researching the Reptilians/Djinn/Archons that are in control of the elite bloodlines that are involved in satanic ritual abuse. Yes the normies will think this sounds bat shit crazy but do your research. I didn't kow any of this a year ago. You have to want to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. If we don't wake up then the Alpha Draconian Reptilians win that means the Illuminati may appear to be defeated but they will resurface, different players. Everyone needs to take a Big Red Pill and wake up, pull our heads out of the sand They are keeping us too busy chasing our tales working 9-5 on purpose, too distracted to have the energy or time to do research ad challenge the status quo. Meanwhile the child trafficking & satanic pedophilia is out of control. Adrenochrome. Read Zecharia Sitchin who was a rare individual who could translate ancient Sumerian clay tablets pre cuneiform / pre egyptian hieroglyphics. Ancient Sumerian civilisation appeared out of no where and archaeologists are at a loss to explain how we went from neanderthal man to advanced knowledge about agriculture and astronomy, information we rely upon to this day. Dr Steven Greer is correct when he says there is no Alien threat. The fact is there is no NEW alien threat because they have been here the entire time. And if you stick your head further down the rabbit hole you will find out that there is evidence of nuclear war on the moon mars and earth hundreds of thousands of years ago. William Tompkins was there in the control room when the moon landing occurred He heard it from the horses mouths that there were alien vehicles surrounding the crater. Why have we never been back to the moon? They weren't impressed that we landed on the moon. The backside of the moon has broken glass domes and other structures on it. I don't know how far Q is goog down the rabbit hole, but there is a war going on. There is a split within the intelligence community as you are already aware. There is also a split in the Secret Space Program - that you will know exists once you do your research. So we have an Earth Alliance and a SSP Alliance currently working together to free us of these Reptilians. is absolutely right when he says Expand your thinking. And he is absolutely right when he says eft is right and up is down. Humanity has had the wool pulled over its eyes for thousands of years in fact. Please do your own research. I only know what I know from doing my own research and a year ago if anyone had tried to tell me any of what I just said above I would have told them they were nuts. And I specialise in psychiatry so I know exactly what psychotic is - and none of these whistleblowers I have been listening to are psychotic or delusional, and I have not made any of this up it is all from highly credible whistleblowers. For the sake of our children and grandchildren, for the sake of humanity, please do not put your heads back in the sand. I have given you what I consider amongst the best whistleblower testimonies to save you time so please use them as a path to follow, and I am sure you will find plenty more to back it all up. YouTube is excellent resource of you have time to sort through the disinfo that has been put on there to make it too hard for people to do their research and to discredit and undermine the real truth that is also there.