Anonymous ID: 04824a Nov. 10, 2018, 12:07 p.m. No.3837571   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>3836710 (lb) Disproportionate lower # of preventative fires in CA relative to total US

>>3837169 (lb)

>CA native here. We also have a massive amount of forest areas that other states do not.

>How can other states have any forest fires without any forests?


Good point CAanon. I am just scratching my head to understand the disproportionate lack of Rx fires in CA relative (0.3%) to US totals. All things being equal, one would expect a linear relationship to the relative land area of CA (4.3%) to the US. In fact, the Rx efforts should be relative greater in CA due to the higher fire risk. Maybe Rx fires are risker???



>Thanks anon!

>I live in a state that's fire prone, too. I thought it would be a great exercise to dig on this one, and give me something else to talk about with my fire captain buddy, and hopefully give him fodder to spread the message of what appears to be nothing but fuckery in Cali.

>I bet some of those guys are Q followers already, too.


you're welcome anon!


here is a repost of my first graphic and another of all US fires in past 10 years