I love President Trump and Q just as much as all you Patriots do, but we have to remember a very important fact, we must always seek God first! I think Q knows that, which is why he tells us to PRAY PRAY PRAY, and why scripture is often part of the drops. Q is humble, as a servant of the Lord must be. I have NO DOUBT that POTUS was chosen by God, and that Trump and Q are powered by God. I also believe we are all here because God chose us too, I study prophecy, we were chosen to be part of God's plan during these end times. But remember, no matter what happens with this Q operation, GOD is the one in control here, after all this is part of HIS prophetic plan! It will go HIS way, His will.
Now I am going to say something that I feel God put on my heart, and I also know it is scripturally sound. We talk a lot about Good vs Evil and Dark to Light, and we refer to the cabal and Dems as the evil and dark. I believe we are correct on that, however, we also have to look at ourselves, and I am not judging any one, but when we want prayers answered, the bible tells us we must repent and ask forgiveness and turn from sin, otherwise God doesn't answer our requests, sin blocks blessings.
Full disclosure, I am a female anon, I see what is posted here (naked women, very lewd comments) and I just ignore it, and move along, I am an anon, I can just leave the board, but I love you guys, know you have good hearts, so I choose to just ignore that stuff, especially since I am a hetero anon so don't care to see this stuff. But God doesn't turn His head, God knows what goes on here, (and I admit my language at times fits right in here and I find myself repenting often, right after cussing out my TV when I see moron libs doing demonic things), but I am just saying, God isn't happy with us either. I urge everyone, for your own sake, as well as the blessings we may or may not get collectively as MAGA Patriots, look at yourself and make sure you aren't deleting any blessings that God has for you by engaging in darkness. Remember in the eyes of God, we ALL sin, we ALL fall short, not just them, us too. You can't pray to God to help us while engaging in things He sees as sin!
Again, I am not judging any of you, I care about all of you, but if we want the help of God, we better take the logs out of our own eyes first. By the way, if things change here, that is great, if not, I am still here and with you, and will just keep praying for POTUS, Q and all of us. I know some of you may not be believers, but I know many of you are. Get your priorities straight so we can fight this darkness together! God bless all of you!