Anonymous ID: 4d6dd5 Nov. 10, 2018, 12:41 p.m. No.3838064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8072 >>8216 >>8228 >>8258

The Q team knew.


We were told to watch CA, as in the news is telling us to WATCH CA. THIS WAS INTENTIONAL by Q team, they told us what would happen on MSM, while the actual evidence is in FL, to start. My god.


I read the Chelsey Smith affidavit, wow. Thank god people come forward… I hope you are protecting people like that Q team, please preserve people/patriots willing to put themselves on the line to EXPOSE the EVIL traitors to /OUR country. And this is ONE single person exposing this, how much more is there. GET IT PUBLIC, WE THE PEOPLE need to know about things like this on a massive scale.


If it is brought forward by a flipped D member, who could argue it, no one, the world wakes up, WHY is this not happening?

Anonymous ID: 4d6dd5 Nov. 10, 2018, 1:16 p.m. No.3838683   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No, we are patriots, we have plenty of arms. Goal is eliminate the evil, then pure actual freedom for the people.


If things get worse, you know what happens. Molon Labe


We are being patient patriots now, hauntingly likely because of Q, if this Q movement fails, it really was the last chance, and then /we the people, make (((them))) pay/fail. Would it be extremely messy, yes, but the people are fed up, and willing to lay it all down to save the future of our race from (((them)))