Anonymous ID: 60c420 Nov. 10, 2018, 2:11 p.m. No.3839526   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9638

>>3835811 pb

>>3836454 pb

alleged hijackers

>>3835983 pb

The attorneys[?] involved with the lawsuit of Jared and Elizabeth Beck; two of them ended up in the water over there. "Watch the Water" Very disheartening for the Becks. They've become cynical.

@JaredBeck ‏hates "Q" people because he lost his faith. Sad.

>>3835938 pb

>>3835954 pb

>>3836065 pb

>>3835928 pb

>>3835977 pb

>>3836065 pb

>>3836052 pb

>>3836045 pb

>>3835998 pb

>>3836133 pb

>>3836264 pb

>>3836269 pb

Right! The alleged 9/11 hijackers were supposedly devout Musliims ready to kill themselves for the cause, yet they didn't pray, hung out at tittie bars, drinking [against the law for a Muslim] and generally carousing. How could they be so devout to kill themselves yet don't bother to follow the rules of their religion leading up to their great sacrifice, allegedly, for their God, Allah?




There was a flight school the alleged hijackers attended, run by Dutch man [according to one investigative reporter I have come to distrust], How did they get their Visas? Why did they come here to learn flying? They never completed their flying course. Their instructors didn't believe they were competent to even fly a small aircraft. let alone a commercial aircraft by means of vision -out the window? [no contact with ground control] How did the alleged perpetrators turn off the transponder? Why were no black boxes recovered?

It's such an absurd story it almost seems so extremely absurd that it drives people into a trance [MKultra? on the entire Nation]


There's a lot of really good work done on crisis actors and simulated shooting - all this on FB is secret groups. The peeps are really too young to have kept up with the 9/11 - which alt news sources are all controlled.

They will ban you if you ask questions.

Thousands of good researchers are there on facebook, just on the subject of Sandy Hook - but all on secret groups, who can't show their words without being behind a wall otherwise outright banned. . They do sent shills to the secret groups but they don't have much power in a group where everyone knows what's going on.

I don't know who or what has been purged over there. I barely peek in anymore.

Here's the Ft. Lauderdale dude with Jon Stewart.

And the other is of the acting team for the Florida school shooting where the sheriff Israel didn't interfere with the alleged shooting. And were Hogg was caught practicing his lines before the event happened.

Keeping all that quiet is much more important than election? Or not?

Anonymous ID: 60c420 Nov. 10, 2018, 2:20 p.m. No.3839638   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Another puzzle piece for the round-up;

This fellow was allegedly the nightclub shooter.

He had a part in a movie about the Gulf Oil Spill

Here's the clip from the movie which shows him as a guard. I think some of what he says is scripted Propaganda / Discouragement.

"Everything's corrupt. No one expects anything good" type of opinion.

Vid related