Anonymous ID: e47ea1 Nov. 10, 2018, 1:37 p.m. No.3838998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9017 >>9079 >>9094 >>9292 >>9446

>>3838801 (pb)

>Well, ladies, you did it again. No, not all of you. But here’s the reality: If only men had voted this election, the GOP would have held the House and picked up some seats. The Senate’s Republican majority would be even greater (than plus seven or eight) and the Trump train would be full-steam ahead. But women breaking for Democrats by roughly 20 points made this impossible — and Mad Max (Waters) a committee chairman. Egad!


AND here's why…the religious right pushing their personal religious beliefs about abortion…that's right….look in the mirror those of you who firmly believe you have the right to dictate to others what they should do with their bodies.


Women in general might not say it outloud but I've heard a few conversations….my take is that outloud and in religious company, many women will pretend to go along with the religious right to life but inside of themselves and in the voting booth, women know one thing…they don't want to go back to the middle ages…where there was no choice about birth…and birth control.


Laugh, say nasty things…make light of it, but I'm telling you..things are only going to get worse for you the more you push this onto others. Hardly anyone believes that a zygote is anything more than a potential human…and it's OK if GOD wants to kill it..but the host cannot…(BTW pregnancy is the ULTIMATE parasite/host relationship).


So..stop blaming democrat women on not thinking…it's all women wondering if they want to go back there…


The drive to force beliefs onto others via any means possible is a large part of any religious group..either by the law (co-opting the legal process to reflect only their views) or by shame, blame, force and intimidation. The Magdalene houses of Ireland are not a place anyone wants to go back to….the stealing of endless babies from "unapproved" mothers in Spain (for example)…goodness the abortion business really took a bite of religious trafficking in babies…didn't it. But the absolute worst was the FACT that WOMEN, and women only suffered the consequences of 'forced birth". Those women were fucking someone…but it's the WOMEN who always paid the highest social price.

Anonymous ID: e47ea1 Nov. 10, 2018, 1:46 p.m. No.3839123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9154 >>9182 >>9208

>>3838861 (PB)

>He isn't a LARP. He's definitely with POTUS.

>But, you're correct - white hats are here. I'm one of them. The problem is that most of them are working for Q thinking that he's got our best interests in mind.


>He doesn't.


A LARP does not mean means playing a role, live. In that sense Q is NOT a LARP but in the truest sense of the word, Q is a LARP..he's playing a role live…the only thing in doubt is the motivation. Which WITCH IS WHICH…faking being for POTUS…or being for POTUS for many people has he trusted that turned the worm? LONG LIST…his trust may be misplaced…watch the "shill" attacks on me :D


I know white hats are here…that's why I post what I see. I have a very very good…"RV" ability. And I mean good. Clear…and when I see stuff that I know they don't know about i post it. The fact that I've had three hits so far that were dealt with very quickly tells me that Q does not in fact hear all and see all..the London advanced team guy was one example..they should have got him out of the gate…my feeling is he was a "holdover"…but in any case getting away with wearing contacts for that long…pfft.


Anyway I'm glad you're here…I only bother posting things that have SUPER high OH SHIT vibes…and to be honest I never ever thought it would be taken seriously but I can tell when it "dissolves" because the danger vibe starts slowing…then stops. That would not happen…unless the issue were dealt with.


POTUS took a very very risky trip to UK….that was, for me watching, a fucking nightmare…so KUDOs to those on his team who do in fact protect him.


Best interests in mind….from what I'm getting Q doesn't really give much of a shit about "best interest" per se…but what he can convince the black hats to believe…that's my take on it…but by now even the black hats have figured out that the see all and hear all shit was a psyop…it worked…for a bit….but they've got their minds wrapped around it now…and it's not working anymore.

Anonymous ID: e47ea1 Nov. 10, 2018, 1:58 p.m. No.3839319   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9430



The issue is, that 1. I do not have the right to tell anyone what to believe…not to force a xian TO have an abortion (like in China) and not to force someone NOT to…the problem behind closed doors is the right religious give off an aura of FORCE…which is going to get them in the long run.


Any fertilized egg is a potential human. I am against partial birth, late term abortions of viable fetus UNLESS…the life of the mother is at stake, UNLESS this is a child victim of abuse who had no choice…UNLESS the fetus is not viable.


I do not think that abortions should be paid for with public funds, but then again, we're going to be paying for the kid for 18 years on welfare… now or later? I don't like forcing people to go against their conscience…but the religious right doesn't seem to have a problem forcing their beliefs on others. I mean we have endless examples of history to show that is true…from the horrific damages missionaries did to indigenous cultures to even now…harassing women going to PP for treatments, BC, anything…because abortion is not the only thing they do..then forcing upon others that birth control is abortion….come on make up your minds…unwelcome pregnancies…fuck if Prostitution is the world's oldest profession, abortionist is the world's second oldest.


Women have been paying the price for MEN for centuries. From serving girls forced from jobs for becoming pregnant…to the current complete and total impoverishment of older women whose only crime it was to stay home, forego a career and raise their kids themselves.


That's right..the single greatest cause of poverty in older women…is childbearing.


Perhaps people can start looking at the TRUTH here…widowhood in the US averages 14 years…how much screaming would happen if we gave the at home child carer SS credits for giving up everything to raise good citizens?


LOTS of issues…


a zygote is a potential human. Removing the zygote in the first trimester has done nothing but either 1. remove a zygote that god was going to kill anyway (god is the world's greatest abortionist BTW) or 2. removed a zygote that the host did not wish to have feed off it any longer.


GOD is the world's greatest abortionint. OWN ITWhen a woman miscarries (what we call God abortions)…what is the FIRST THING everyone says "It's god's will"…so somewhere there is a golden room where god sits and waves his abortion wand…


What are the statistics on miscarriages (God abortion)? NO ONE screams over that.

Anonymous ID: e47ea1 Nov. 10, 2018, 2:02 p.m. No.3839370   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I want consequence-free sex-for-pleasure!!!

OOPS you must be talking about men. SOMEONE is knocking up all those women. SOMEONE'S sacred sperm evaded the CONDOM…


Always wiggling out of taking responsibility.


Women's lib…nah but I hear a lot of women talking.

Anonymous ID: e47ea1 Nov. 10, 2018, 2:07 p.m. No.3839470   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9538 >>9561 >>9601


My only concern was the shit I was seeing…was clearly UNKNOWN..hard to explain but there's these "vibes" that either fade or grow stronger…when danger is "sighted" I know when a threat has been removed and the stronger a threat is…it literally follows me until I say something.


I agree..biproducts and i've "yelled" at Q a time or two for using the NPCs on this side to this effect but…on the other hand…I guess I can see the point IN using them.


We had a MAJOR timeline shift when Trump popped up. Q is telling the truth about that one…she wasn't supposed to lose. This shift came in like a "wrecking ball" kek…and far as I can tell the outcome is far from assured…but if successful will bring a better balance to everything (not eliminate evil as the NPCs think) but right the balance.


That's my working theory. Theory will turn to knowledge once that pendulum swings it's final swath.

Anonymous ID: e47ea1 Nov. 10, 2018, 2:10 p.m. No.3839507   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>so are you a shillfag trying to trigger?

actually no…when logic appears in front of the face one is sort of obligated to point it out. Whomever posted that article about women voters…completely missed the point. One can always hope that by gently pointing in the direction of the "look in the mirror if you want to know WHY"…


well one can only hope. But I am not going to argue that for the most part, it is hopeless.

Anonymous ID: e47ea1 Nov. 10, 2018, 2:12 p.m. No.3839543   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>sacrifice by fire

OHHHH goody, that's how god promised to kill everyone after promising them not to kill them with water (again). Great to see god is open to new tactics.

Anonymous ID: e47ea1 Nov. 10, 2018, 2:17 p.m. No.3839607   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I was not permitted to put ANY energy into the election. I was permitted to vote, and I was permitted to WATCH…but not to do anything more. The humans had to decide…their choice was WILLFUL IGNORANCE or IMPERFECT TRUTH…and their choice dictated the way the endgame would be played.


Human nature, human consciousness, human energy…as you can never convince a Lion he prefers cabbage over the lamb the true nature of humans can never be undone. It is what it is.


I hoped for them to choose Imperfect Truth (aka Trump) I SEE him….I believe HIM…but all around him…there are dark skies so to speak. Constant danger. He's literally a fucking superman hero…who knows what love is, after living a life of "finding" it.

Anonymous ID: e47ea1 Nov. 10, 2018, 2:20 p.m. No.3839640   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Wrecking Ball. Trump is a Builder.

yes and no…


Kali ma, Peli…etc..the energy of renewal through destruction. Trump has to destroy the OLD buildings, before he can build new ones… The difference between Hillary and that he's building NEW for US…and she's only in it for herself and her Zionist / Saudi overlords…we were nothing to her but a means to an end.