Anonymous ID: 97b8a4 Nov. 10, 2018, 3:37 p.m. No.3840746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0767 >>1082

Time for this anon to share something.

Moore's accusers, Kayla and Gena, were my sorority sisters back in the day in Alabama.

I'll be as gracious-southern-lady as I can: neither one of them were very bright, okay?


Add one spoopy reporter from the even more spoopy Washington Post, who road tripped down to Alabama, got acquainted with them, and then undertook a medium-tier campaign of persuasion on both of them, gave them a little money, and they not only fell for the ruse, they cooperated. And now, like Christine Blasey-Ford, they are almost-forgotten footnotes.


It was an op, people.



5h5 hours ago


The #Midterms2018 have been exciting, but much of what we are seeing following #ElectionDay was expected by many. There were signs that the Left would stick to its old playbook (it has been successful for decades), and steal this election, too.


I hope this provides some comfort.


‏ … …


On May 11, 2017, @POTUS created a commission to investigate voter fraud, illegal voting, etc. That commission was closed months later, but the intel needed to move forward was gathered.


The special elections, such as the Senate race in Alabama between Moore & Jones, were monitored by federal, state, & local officials to gather real time data on how the steal is carried out. Some of these state had just carried Trump by +20% points, but suddenly went Democrat…


Reviewing AL's voting history from 2016 -2018 reveals something very interesting.


11/2016: 28.3 pt GOP win


12/2017: 1.5 pt Dem "win"


11/2018: 19.2 pt GOP win


Fraud observed by US LEO & Intel in 2017. Info used to secure #Midterms2018 in AL. AL was used as a model for 2018.

Anonymous ID: 97b8a4 Nov. 10, 2018, 4:06 p.m. No.3841138   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Oh, fantastic.


"Black Girl Magic". How many hops from this stupid nonprofit back to Steve Phillips/Sandler Foundation or Soro?


Yeah, let's just shove some random women into judgeships. Their abilities and experience don't matter, only their skin color.