Anonymous ID: 573de0 Nov. 10, 2018, 4:24 p.m. No.3841362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1592

>>3841178 (pb)

Some of my happiest video times (you know, getting lost on Jewtube?) is the ones where the American surveillance catches them sidling up to a goat in the dark when they think no one can see them..dropping their drawers and pulling that cute little goat in a little closer.


I have to believe there is some mental deficiency that a GOOD portion of humans posses that makes them completely unable to control their sexual urges. Who gets it up for a goat? Why would ANYONE (man or woman) risk losing everything to get their dick/vag wet?


There's a link missing in their brains somewhere. The Law of Nature reigns supreme..thus anything that gives a "member" of nature incorrect directions…is a flaw in the natural order of things. MANY people are born with the wrong directions installed which is a detriment to nature which favors survival. Something that is not useful to nature aka unable to reproduce would eventually be phased out…humans are so arrogant aren't they?


Still gays are mostly harmless…and many of them cannot help wanting to same sex fuck..others are a product of abuse…(early childhood sexual experiences imprint)…and I am really not sure how I feel about gays adopting. I used to be all for it (love is love etc) but then I discovered there's this whole gay adoption thing…just to get children for sex. And I don't think you can tell those kinds of gays from the good gays….


I know the rules…if it exists there is porn of it…but why? That's the part that makes no sense. It's actually an evolutionary/creationary fail if you ask me.

Anonymous ID: 573de0 Nov. 10, 2018, 4:35 p.m. No.3841503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1560 >>1648


IT is a great documentary. Didn't shock me much because..well anyway….your spamming it isn't going to make the religitards on here take the time to watch it. They're terrified of anything that might challenge what they be LIE ve in.


I agree, no more aid to israel, NO MORE Dual citizens of ANY countries in elected offices. NO more Israel lobby…(or other country lobbies)


if we ever want our country back we're going to have to make those changes.


SO FUCK OFF JIDF…wake up….look in the mirror, face what YOU ARE BEING PART OF….if you minded your own business instead of blackmailing the world for your OWN ends, blowing shit up and pretending someone else did it…for your OWN ends…I cannot imagine anyone would bother much with you.


SO if you wonder why….people hate Zionism…look in the fucking mirror…even "fellow jews" hate zionism. WHY?

Anonymous ID: 573de0 Nov. 10, 2018, 4:39 p.m. No.3841547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1627 >>1707


>You’re incorrect. You weekend shills are seriously major dumbfucks.

You know what's even funnier…people like you who can't scroll past shit you don't want to read….instead puff your chest out satisfactorily that I HAVE SPOTTED A SHILL…then…KEK the desire to tell the world YOU HAVE NOT ONLY SPOTTED THE SHILL…you are FILTERING THE SHILL…


if only you knew how stupid you sound.


Every time I scroll past pedo biden, I chuckle…at the genius who has taken the time to upload those endless times…just to get a (you) from people complaining endless times that he's uploaded them endless times. It's like you just can't help yourself.

Anonymous ID: 573de0 Nov. 10, 2018, 4:42 p.m. No.3841600   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The city must take back the reins of his future, "says Adele Oates, one of the seven female executives who have joined the initiative.


seven female…executives…means this shit is guaranteed to FAIL. (see Sweden for example).

Anonymous ID: 573de0 Nov. 10, 2018, 4:44 p.m. No.3841618   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>You're a weird fucker dude.

thank you for your astute observation. Care to elaborate? OR is thinking humans are pathetic because they are driven by their genitalia…which they are unable to control….such an odd thing?

Anonymous ID: 573de0 Nov. 10, 2018, 4:45 p.m. No.3841633   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1693


>Trump seems like he's in a bad mood, or super angry.

the endless stream of assassination attempts/threats will eventually get to anybody. ESPECIALLY when it comes from angles too close to be…

Anonymous ID: 573de0 Nov. 10, 2018, 4:50 p.m. No.3841686   🗄️.is 🔗kun


it's probably a conspiracy…


  1. "you post Biden"

  2. "Then I'll post 60 post complaining that you posted BIEN"

  3. "I'll post KIKE'

2."Good I'll follow up with muh jews"


1&2 "drinks after?"

Anonymous ID: 573de0 Nov. 10, 2018, 4:57 p.m. No.3841765   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> people are outraged, shocked at the levels of corruption..

no….we are a very divided country


generations of kids raised in day care taught that they are always winners, they don't know how to lose, they are not resilient….they firmly believe that whatever they do to WIN…is OK because they are always right. They never got an F…for FAILURE and have been taught that they are the most precious snowflakes in the blizzard.


ON THE OTHER SIDE there are people who believe they can "pray the gay away" and believe they are correct in inflicting THEIR beliefs onto others.


There is really very little wiggle room…


UNLESS you actually LISTEN to POTUS…he talks for all of us…but people only hear what they want to hear. Xians believe that POTUS will create the country they want (IE outlaw abortion) and GAYS believe that POTUS is going to outlaw THEM based on what the xians say.


NONE of which is anything POTUS has ever actually said or done…it's weird…honestly I am not a big fan of the xian god…he's an asshole really, self described…but considering the condition of the mother (earth)…and that he's never had any issue AT ALL in killing everyone before…I really don't know what's holding him back now.


The way god wins seems to be VERY popular..which is sort of freaky because God wins by killing everyone…anyone that can read knows that so it's kinda strange Q posting "god wins"….shivers. What does HE know that we don't?

Anonymous ID: 573de0 Nov. 10, 2018, 5:02 p.m. No.3841827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1838 >>1843 >>1859


KEK Q…SRSLY..did you even know about that speech until I told you?








Pray…it gets you shit.


Q made a BIG mistake posting that verse from Chronicles. MY PEOPLE=JEWS.

Anonymous ID: 573de0 Nov. 10, 2018, 5:04 p.m. No.3841845   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> erode society.

That one got a KOL….god's fail creation (jehovah) can only do what it's been programmed to do. Nothing more, nothing less..that's why empires rise and fall…etc.

Anonymous ID: 573de0 Nov. 10, 2018, 5:11 p.m. No.3841946   🗄️.is 🔗kun


AH no…that bible verse is from CHRONICLES, the OLD TESTAMENT




Back when Chronicles was written there was ONE way to god…and God only had ONE people..the JEWS..the way to please god back then was to make blood sacrifices because god loved the smell of burning meat (we won't get into why)




that verse does not say a single word about Christ, Jesus or anything. It is written TO AND FOR JEWS and nothing you say can change what IT say, NOTHING changes the TIME in which it was written or WHO it was written for.


As for Jesus (kek)…he came in with a whole new set of love me or die rules (or so it has been twisted)…let me think…I come with a sword to UPHOLD THE LAW (Jesus was a rabbi, a Jewish law expert)….what does THE LAW mean to Jews…Leviticus…literally, the book of law.


NOW…Paul tried to get new people on board his new cult…he was a Roman Mithraic priest sent in to this upstart religion to subvert it..which he did beautifully.


And please, stop. It is not my intention to destroy the "faith" of people who need magical thinking to survive this life…but that shit you push onto others and then call ME stupid….oh please. I'm not the one who believes in holy invisible sperm and talking snakes.


BUT congratulations, you "be LIE ve" in the only god that will kill your ass…for not loving him enough.