Anonymous ID: ceb80e Nov. 10, 2018, 4:17 p.m. No.3841260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1590

NWO Agenda 2030 rolls on


Baby Boom and Bust: Global Fertility Rates Drop as Population Soars


he global fertility rate has been cut by half since 1950, but the population is still on the rise, according to a high-profile medical study published this week.


According to a new report published in The Lancet, women in 1950 had an average of 4.7 children during their lifetime. The report notes that the global birth rate decreased to 2.4 live births per mother in 2017. At the same time, the global population has tripled from 2.6 billion people in 1950 to 7.6 billion, according to the report, indicating that the global population has increased by an average of almost 84 million people every year since 1985, according to the BBC.


The report noted that fertility rates are vastly different around the world, with decreasing rates in Europe and Japan and higher rates in areas of the Indian subcontinent and sub-Saharan Africa.


"These statistics represent both a 'baby boom' for some nations and a 'baby bust' for others," said Dr. Christopher Murray, lead author of the study and director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington, the Science Daily reported Thursday.


"The lower rates of women's fertility clearly reflect not only access to and availability of reproductive health services, but also many women choosing to delay or forgo giving birth, as well as having more opportunities for education and employment."


"To our knowledge, this is the first study to provide transparent and replicable estimates of population and fertility that can be used to inform decision-making and to monitor nations' economic progress," Murray observed.


"Although total fertility rates are decreasing, the global population continues to grow as death rates decline and because of population 'momentum' in previous decades," he added, cited by BBC.


There are several factors that affect fertility rates: education, access to birth control and healthcare, as well as infant mortality rates. Countries that lack education and access to birth control and reproductive service and have high infant mortality rates are more likely to have high birth rates.

Anonymous ID: ceb80e Nov. 10, 2018, 4:26 p.m. No.3841385   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Rothschild to sell trust services business

Anonymous ID: ceb80e Nov. 10, 2018, 4:33 p.m. No.3841470   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Drug Catastrophe In Afghanistan


On November 5 yet another US soldier was killed by a member of Afghanistan’s military forces, as the country continues to be wracked by violence in its seventeenth year of war.


Donald Rumsfeld was US Secretary for Defence from 2001 to 2006 under President George W Bush. They, along with other psychotic figures such as Vice-President Dick Cheney, were responsible for the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and their legacy is apparent in many spheres, one of which is the drug production bonanza in Afghanistan.


In August 2004 NBC News reported Secretary Rumsfeld as declaring “The danger a large drug trade poses in Afghanistan is too serious to ignore. The inevitable result is to corrupt the government and way of life, and that would be most unfortunate.”


He issued the warning that: “It is increasingly clear to the international community that to address the drug problem here is important for the people of Afghanistan.”


Rumsfeld, for once during his catastrophic years as chief war-maker, was absolutely right, and his pronouncement about likely danger and impending corruption was spot on. The US invasion and subsequent operations led to Afghanistan becoming the fourth most dangerous and fourth most corrupt country in the world.


The “drug problem” to which he referred has expanded rapidly over the years. It is destroying Afghanistan. It is a main reason for the place being ungovernable.


It’s all very well to blame Afghans for growing poppies and producing opium and heroin, but what they are doing is meeting international demand. After all, there would be no drug industry in Afghanistan if there wasn’t a welcoming market in the drug-loving prosperous West — although it has to be noted that only about four per cent of its massive narcotics production ends up in the US, which gets most of its heroin from South America.


Mr John Sopko, the US Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction (SIGAR), has just produced his latest quarterly report for the US Congress in which he observes that “From 2002 through September 2018, the United States has committed an average of more than $1.5 million a day to help the Afghan government combat narcotics. Despite this, 2017 poppy cultivation is more than four times that reported by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime for 2002, the first full year of US intervention in Afghanistan,” so there is small wonder that the country is “the largest source of street heroin in Europe and Canada.”


Mr Sopko observed that efforts to combat drugs “have cost US taxpayers more than $8 billion since 2002, yet Afghanistan’s opium crisis is worse than ever,” and the increase in the area and quantity of poppy cultivation has been impressive and depressing.


Washington is well aware of the shattering effects of Afghan drug production, but the SIGAR writes that “counternarcotics seems to have fallen completely off the US agenda. The State Department’s new ‘Integrated Country Strategy’ for Afghanistan no longer includes counternarcotics as a priority, but instead subsumes the issue into general operations. Meanwhile, the US military says it has no counternarcotics mission in Afghanistan, and USAID says it will not plan, design, or implement new programs to address opium-poppy cultivation.”


Can this be indicative of the general level of competence of the US Department of State and the Pentagon? Can they get anything right?

Anonymous ID: ceb80e Nov. 10, 2018, 4:48 p.m. No.3841661   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1695

If YOUR GOP Congressman Got CHEATED This Election CALL HIM! Tell Him/Her to Do a Hand ReCount Which Will Not Tie to the Rigged Software Totals


If YOUR GOP Congressman Got CHEATED This Election CALL HIM!!! Tell Him/Her to Do a Hand ReCount Which Will Not Tie to the Rigged Software Totals!


I just called my Congressman who was told he “lost” on Tuesday, and I shared the following link with them, where IT Experts found out HOW the Dims RIGGED software to STEAL this Election!!!


ALERT: Foreign Interference of Mid-Terms.Votes are being counted outside of the United States….by a Clinton associate


They were EXTREMELY INTERESTED (Wash D.C. Staff….local staff were a bit out to lunch, so I called D.C.), and he assured me they will do a hand recount in a heart beat! NO ONE wants a Communist Demoncrap representing them in my County!




If the same thing happened to you, GET ON THE PHONE…..don’t just cry into your beer….TAKE ACTION!!!! Do the same. Its NOT too late! Not when FRAUD is INVOLVED!!!


GO, GO, GO, GO, GO!!!!


Man in the middle??


These insider digital certificate authorities appear to be a very sophisticated Man-in-the-Middle network set up for the SES takedown of the American Republic.


Thoma Bravo, ENTRUST, Jerry C. Jones and Michael Chertoff (co-author of The Patriot Act) appear to be running it.


Hillary’s Man-in-the-Middle. (Compiled Nov. 06, 2018). Election System Encryption Certificate Authorities by State. MX Toolbox.