The "literal" interpretations of watching a movie (like Q team would divide the population with stunts and choreograph tools like Acosta or Avenatti and direct nightmares like Kavanaugh's nom process) just grinds at me when anons post so I am always wondering 'how do they know???"
This takes me back to the 16-year plan. Applying thought: IF Killery had won (stolen) the election (RIGGED GAME) AND, the consent decree was lifted for the FIRST time since the 80's, there WOULD have been a major Red Tsunami at the midterms.
I am inclined to interpret that the Criminal network made a run at the gates (election, fundraising, false flags, etc…) with a Pre-Conceived plan i.e. 16 year plan.
They HAD to know she would not have had a comfy Presidency after the 2018 mid-term elections. I think Q team was hip to this and some of their plans (previously laid: that they would continue with) have been put through game theory.