>>3842702 last
I was on your side.
Friendly fire.
I pointed out how megajew never dispute any information.
Just hides behind much unity muh no division much Ivanka
Never rebuts anything
>>3842702 last
I was on your side.
Friendly fire.
I pointed out how megajew never dispute any information.
Just hides behind much unity muh no division much Ivanka
Never rebuts anything
Why do yew endlessly spam useless garbage every bread…
Same dumb shit…
Same bad memes…
Why megajew why?
Must be a bot
Not effective
Literally robotic in nature
Has no sense of self preservation
Literally a suicide spammer
Only entity on this board that has enraged the entire board and has the BO have to step in and bitch slap more than once…
Just so happens to be megajew.
Yet it never ceases.
Same crap memes.
Soros Soros Soros not a Jew but a Nazi.
It's dumb and beneath the intelligence of Anons.
Megajew is begging to be banned. Give him what he wants.
The fall of megajew is near the end.
Do you know it megajew?
Maybe you shouldn't have and continue to spam the same dumb bullshit over and over?
I know why you do.
Because you have nothing.
It's so obvious yew are the problem.
It's tough finding new material.
What is so pathetic…
Is your "best" material is to denigrate your own jew.
That must cement it in your mind how obviously you are the satanic bad guy in the story.
Sucks to be you.
Kill yourself.