UV black lights are wonderful things.
"Sometimes people need to see the future in order to save the past.
Are they simply letting the people see for themselves the depth and breadth of corruption and rot in the Left before action is taken?
That this is what lies ahead for them if they are not careful - a country run purely for self=gain, without proper law or any heed to the Constitution.
I can understand the thinking behind not releasing any incriminating information before the midterms.
The rabid leftists would still have voted in exactly the same way, so there is little to gain.
When things like FISA & IG reports Etc are released they are still too nebulous for people to truly grasp.
When they can see Court orders being openly defied, armed guards stopping Congressmen entering buildings, obvious fraud taking place, everything is firmed up and made crystal clear.
The coming information is then much easier to swallow.