Anonymous ID: 20769c Feb. 15, 2018, 4:28 a.m. No.384586   🗄️.is 🔗kun


She says she saw Cruz when walking down the stairs during a fire evacuation.


This means other students and teachers can corroborate. Teachers lead class out on a fire evacuation and have to take roll when they get to their designated evac area.


It's not like she's saying she saw him while she was sneaking a smoke somewhere.

Anonymous ID: 20769c Feb. 15, 2018, 6:06 a.m. No.385082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5115


>Why would she say stuff like this if she was lying?


Agrre here.


What was the final take on whether the shooter was still in school or not?


My point is that she says she's walking out with her class in what sounds like fire drill routine. That means teachers are leading their classes out. They take roll outside.


Teacher's nightmare if any student is not accounted for.


This girl claims she saw Cruz. That means, either he should have been with with another teacher's class or in the school without permission.


Either way, if Cruz was not with the class he was supposed to be in, or in the school without permission, some other teachers would know that. Teachers would be super attentive at this point, especially if it was a fire drill that hadn't been planned or if they heard shots.


The girl's story is important because she's saying Cruz was mixed in with what should be organized groups of students while shooting was heard elsewhere.


Also, if Cruz was out of school (graduated, dropped out) I think first question would be 'What are you doing here?" May be that's implied when she said, "I'm surprised you're not doing the shooting", but any teacher would ask, "What are you doing here?"


Any way, I don't believe she'd say she saw him while she was with other teachers and students in an evacuation. Too easy to discredit.


A sneaky kid would have said she saw him alone in the hallway while coming back from the bathroom.