Anonymous ID: 28c064 Feb. 15, 2018, 5:41 a.m. No.384912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5174 >>5176

Let’s see if Q and Trump have real teeth.

You are trying to make a difference? Declare Atheism a religion! Or classified it as a belief system.

Watch the cunts around the country freak out!

You want the country to be red-pilled?

Stop allowing the enemy to brainwash the public!

Until then you are feeding us hope but have no power!

Wtf is Betsy Davos doing?

We need a EO. No more brainwashing of atheist/anti-thesis propoganda to our kids!

It’s like being taught about Santa Claus.

It’s on purpose. God and Santa Claus are the same to a kid. The kid distrusts the parent. They lied to me about Santa Claus, they lied to me about god.

They’ve tried blue-pilling us our whole lives.

Why hasn’t trump re-enacted the anti-propoganda law?

You or your team need to work harder!

You obviously have talented people on this board that are working around the clock! Fking use them!

You are a bitch.

You may be real and you may be trying to the best of your ability, but you are weak.

You need to cut the head of the snake!

Trump is the first president of my life time that I believe in. Not because of Q but because he’s not them; Q is preaching to the choir! Redpilling 10’a of people at a time is not gonna make a difference.

Fine, we won’t see arrests, fine plans are in action…

you haven’t done shit have you?

You got real patriots here willing spend hours of thier day not making money, what what repairs are you giving them?

Trust the plan?

I trust no-one.

Posting pics of hotels is nonsense.

Posting photos of an old hag is nonsense.

Even if you are working behind the scenes, it’s nonsesne.

Nothing is different.

The enemy which is 30% of the public is still very real.

They are too dumb to look at memes or twitter posts or emails from friends.

All they do is watch cnn or shut up.

‘My boss voted Hillary, I’m gonna give out safety pins now’

You are breeding civil war, not qwelching it.

The media needs to be brought down.

Period! Without that, all this… all of it… is a waste of people’s lives.