Anonymous ID: 7b6444 Feb. 15, 2018, 5:28 a.m. No.384833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4845 >>4856 >>4863 >>4901


Alright, gonna put this out there, completely expecting to get roasted - since future proves past and things have always been this way..

We are missing the Connection - not only that, this board keeps dismissing it…

MAP - Many At Prayer

…prayer in the WH every day

Prayer gives you Faith, Faith is the Key, Christ was the ultimate Patriot. - Start watching the Water lads

Q asks if we believe in EVIL - short answer NO!!!

He keeps saying "God bless" = "may God make you happy". This post is straight forward in a spiritual sense, everything has double-meaning, why not keep this in mind while digging - we all need friends in High Places and we have so much more than we "know".