>An anon who seemed to have knowledge responded to me yesterday when the discussion was about the painting, and he said water represented deals.
> No water on the table=no deals.
A few breads ago there was a picture of fresh water with words to the effect: water is life.
Add that to above, plus LDR's threats about water/thirst, and it's not too great a stretch, imo, to view water as currency.
I'm from the UK and it always disturbed me when the state-owned and local authority owned waterboards (i.e. owned by the people) were sold to private companies. Water should belong to the people not to private corporations - life depends on water.
I wonder if the cabal has been amassing controlling shares in water companies all around the globe so that they could literally turn off the taps. Perhaps that is what is already occurring in Capetown. And it would account for LDR's boastful threat..