Anonymous ID: 9a945d Feb. 15, 2018, 5:52 a.m. No.384994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5013

This is rambly; I apologize in advance.


On "drops":

SecureDrop and the recent @Snowden callout sheds significant light on past Q posts.

Q's mentions of "drops" refer to media narrative spin cycles.

E.g., early November, the riot that never was.

Q had posted "biggest advanced drops" around that time, hinting at National Guard and military tribunal action.

This was Q/MI's way of letting the cabal know that things were underway and the people would now be well aware of what kind of actions could and would be taken in the event of a nationwide riot.

The "drops" were linked to the fact that Q/MI could access the SecureDrops used by clowns to forward the narrative of "This riot is changing the country! Look at all this, everyone!" like they'd been doing with the Battles of Berkeley.

>The media was chomping at the bit and ready to push the televised "revolution" to the masses until Q posted and scared the shit out of the cabalists who thought their "drops" were secure.

>Each of the "drops" made during that time were in reference to media spin narratives issued to MSM outlets, designed to keep Americans in the dark about what was really going on if and when shit hit the fan.

This is why "news unlocks the map" - most of it isn't news, just spin and manipulation to minimize the impact of what the MSM already knows and is complicit in keeping hidden.


>My signatures all reference upcoming events about to drop if this hasn't been caught on.

The cabal has long planned their narratives against the truth, and Q/MI now has ALL of their battle plans.

Posts from 2017.11.05 - 11.12 are some of the big stories that the MSM/Clowns are desperate to avoid if they ever come to light, as more and more connections can be made and made palatable to normies.



>This is the biggest insider drop in the history of the world.

Referring to a nytimes articles mentioning "Q Team".

The media's war on us, here, had been made official.

We were made enemies of the deep state via clown communiqué long before this article was written.


Q talks about issues when he talks about them because they are the official messages sent at the time, from the higher-ups to the lower ranks.

Anons, I encourage you all re-read Q's posts under the context of crumbs as leaked message from the MSM machine designed to stifle certain stories and facts from spreading.


Sorry for the ramble.