Anonymous ID: a60ac5 Feb. 15, 2018, 5:32 a.m. No.384857   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4893 >>4899


>Anons are receiving bans even when they dont break the rules…Especially at night EST.

>Posts magically disappear…










Some anons do not appreciate the editorial work the BO & BVs do to keep this place clean and friendly workspace. If you think this isn't necesary go to /pol/ and try having a conversation. Any thread will end up filled with BS and off topic posts to the point where even the oldfags cannot sift the gems from the chaff. We've been over the target lads, that's why the shilling / division fagging / concertn fagging and non-relevant arguments have been increasing in intensity.


They are using these editorial clean-ups to incite fear of censorship, claims of being comped etc…

If you don't like it here, leave and find a better platform if you can.

If you cannot trust BO to maintain order and keep this place productive, leave and find a better platform if you can.




Anonymous ID: a60ac5 Feb. 15, 2018, 5:46 a.m. No.384952   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4969

>>384866 (cheKeKed)


roger wilco


thank you for your work anon


>>384899 (cheKeKed)


I know about the pain of being banned, it happened to me, and if you read >>347701 then you saw an explanation and an appology.

Free speech is NEVER totally free, you cannot shout fire in a crowded theater etc…

It isn't easy to be perfect, the job of keeping this place clean enough to work in without tripping over all kinds of BS isn't easy and the BO & BVs are learning. You do realize there is no training for that job, no school, no manual. They are learning with the sink-or-swim method in a matter of litterally world importance. Do you think they feel no pressure? No doubts?


I really like your idea

>you could put them ( the deleted ) in a thread for our peace of mind


I think there is already a "wall of shame" but yours is a different and better idea

please go to META thread and suggest it to BO

thank you for your input