Anonymous ID: b6b81e Feb. 15, 2018, 6:12 a.m. No.385135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5142 >>5203 >>5205 >>5219



Let me say something about the matrix. Lightworker here and i know some about it.


The Matrix is a 100% real thing and i will try to keep it short and simple.


Life happens from the inside out. Only from the inside out. Basically you could say the matrix is what we all collectivly THINK life is.

Imagine 10 people sitting on earth doing nothing. There is only beautiful nature and life is enjoying itself. THEN one guy (lets call him Roth) has an idea.

He says "Yo guys lets play a game! Lets pretend this is USA and this is Afghanistan. Lets pretend (You) are a policemen, (You) are a fire worker, (You) are a bandit,

(You) are anon, (You) are…" and so on. And everybody goes "FUCK YEAH!! That sounds fun man! OMG G G G G GUYS, lets also experience suffer and stupid

shit like that!!" and everybody just goes crazy about this new amazing fun game. BUT!!! What Roth didnt tell the rest is that he and another guy (lets call him Pope)

in truth have another plan for themselfs. They pushed this game so unbelievable hard that everyone who plays it, thinks its the fucking real life.


THATS the fucking matrix. A mental construct. A product of the most powerfull thing in the universe. Consciousness!


If you want to wake up, you dont have to wake up in another reality and unplug some cabels. You just have to look inside, find "the game" that (((they))) played on you,

and make it disapear, literally make it disapear and free yourself. Then you will discover, like in the movie, that you are not just a little faggot, but you are the biggest

faggot in the universe!!


And to proof my last statement i have a little 2 min redpill video for everyone.



You think thats air you're breathing? Kek


And thats why we are here. This board is our ship and we are the crew who is about to unplug all the poor souls from the stupid ass mental construct (matrix) they are living in.