Anonymous ID: d19bd8 Feb. 15, 2018, 4:51 a.m. No.384679   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4689 >>4780


I thought this at first. If patriots somewhere in DC had to grab a bunch of documents quickly and make a run for safety, where would they go? And how to make enough of a scene that they don't get quietly disappeared by some comped clown within the NSA?


But then I realized that they were trying to get OUT of the NSA, after first getting IN via the guardhouse. This was the cause of the in/out confusion yesterday morning. Look at the way the traffic barriers are set up. It's the only thing that makes sense.


This incident might be similar to the incident with the meth-addled trannies in the stolen car. Indeed, there was some confusion with it yesterday.


The driver might have accidentally ended up in the line of cars going into the NSA. He wanted to turn around but there was no good spot to do so, so he figured he would do it at the guard house. Guards whipped out the guns and rubber gloves, driver freaked and did a U turn down the only path he could see- not realizing it was a dead end.


Sloppy. Had to be civilians. Maybe the official story is true for once. Now, why don't they have a spot for last-chance turnarounds?