UTC+01:00. So EST + 6.
They don't recognize allusions to past drops.
Nice image! (I believe that this is happening.)
Sometimes I get the idea that even long-timers here don't know the scope. I get ideas about it from other sources. It's Yuge!
I recall the fingers and the notepad. I got behind after the death in the family. Maybe I should spend the next day or so catching up.
Not sure about prehistory. But I've been reading Genesis the past couple weeks. It actually could go that far back.
Dutchsinse thinks Paradise could be volcanic related. It's near volcanoes that are waking up. Not sure about Malibu. It's thought that there could be gas and oil operations on those hills. Also, the Malibu site is in a line with other sites that had small earthquakes this week.
I posted this last bread. This guy has noticed patterns to earthquakes.
Something will happen. The question is how noteworthy it will be. Something's always happening these days. Anyone who says nothing's happening isn't paying attention.
With regard to the dam, I'm not as concerned about the fire as I am about seismic/volcanic activity in the area.
Kinda reminds me of info in "Think and Grow Rich" in which the Napoleon Hill suggests saving energy for industry. Sexual activity decreases energy that can be used toward prosperity.
Considering that we're dealing with something that has gone on for several millennia, I don't think I'm going to get too uptight if tomorrow isn't earth-shattering in implication. It took a lot of time to get here, and it may take some time to undo it.
Never say never, especially when God is involved.
At least to Babel when the nations were divided between the sons of God.