Anonymous ID: 329e91 Nov. 10, 2018, 8:53 p.m. No.3844931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4937 >>4939

Prediction Time


Midterms successful

Senate won

Voting fraud jumped on by public,

fraud exposed

fraud tactics illuminated as never before

vocal outcry & legal action taken in real time, by politicians (much of pub had been pronated towards thinking policitians 'do nothing')

> was the result of living through decades of corruption; this difference = +MAGA spirit)


  • Take Above along with:*


  • MAGA spirit spread+ing like wildfire

  • "Bot" and "NPC" labeling phenomenons gave both sides similar impacts of experience (crucial subconscious seeds for future UNITE)

  • Fake News Players, Tactics, Behavioral Patterns made apparent to public as never before (catalyzed by POTUS)

  • Political Correctness finding increasing opposition + willingness by opposition to oppose (catalyzed by POTUS)

  • Economic stabilization += psychological emmolient to most citizens

  • War Threat cooling (ie POTUS re NK, Russia, etc) += psychological emmolient to most citizens

  • Remastering of Military += nation stabilization (purposely slow-degraded, significantly by Hussein) + [FUTURE]

  • So many resignations, some are delectable

  • So many not-seeking-reelection, some are relieving

  • Sen Graham positive flip post-NoName death, most delightful

> asset for Sen + asset for public interface

  • Feinstein increasingly shitting herself?

> a guilty pleasure to see her sweat

  • More people thinking outside of the box Silicon Valley scooped everyone into (M$, FB, GOOG, etc)

  • more winning across the spectrum


NEXT: What's next [within the coming 2 years]:




Anonymous ID: 329e91 Nov. 10, 2018, 8:53 p.m. No.3844939   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4944



Prediction Time


What's next [within the coming 2 years]:


  • CA corrupt [stronghold, ingress/egress control]*

CA fires MONEY SCAM of tax dollars expose

CA was never meant to "last" (They never thought she would lose)

CA prob 2nd largest Illegal Immigrant population [wolf-amongst-sheep cover-tactic +%success]

UN Agenda21 & SCAG bullshit 'projects' to drain tax funds into garbage most are against

> mirror: tax draining money laundering projects? Some just to soak & funnel money, others for other objectives?

Attempt to restructure CA cities into Cabal's dream cattle-pen

Everyone in apartment complexes, keep em small

> test market within EU

Fuck driving, here's bikes, and Musk promises he'll make a supertunnel travel system

> corral

Multifaceted Psychological Dependencies + False Perceptions of Reality already programmed into most – can now ease them into a NWO-style existence

> master[hidden]/slave[blind] exist-for-the-king's-pleasure technocracy

> [TV/Hollywood + MSM[Media+Music] –: STAGE SET;; ACT I:FB –: enable programming through influence of Dopamine Response]

CA Sell to China after she won?

> they already own parts of Hollywood, why not the rest?



Anonymous ID: 329e91 Nov. 10, 2018, 8:54 p.m. No.3844944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4949


Prediction Time


What's next (cont.):


  • NY corrupt [stronghold, ingress/egress control]*

Biggest Illegal population in the US

Pockets of distributed "local gang" control, most in NYC

NYC Building Projects corrupted, neighborhoods corrupted, Black Family culture corrupted, Black Health corrupted

> garbage fast food chains are generally net cheaper there than the rest of NYC. Coincidence? FYI Big Chain Fast food = comp'd = slow-kill + cumulative capability dampening)

Drug/Human trafficking, "dangerous" areas, proliferation of "gang culture" indoctrinating youth

> +recruitment. TANGENT: Epstein had women comb the NYC nightlife for young women who would happen to be swayed by big $ + allure of luxury & "being rich"

MS-13 Long Island infest

> control ingress/egress, hello CT

NYC C_ow_ VIP (or tgt) blackmail honey trap loc + supp

Big Apple has a case of nasty worms


  • FL corrupt [ingress/egress control]*

FL has open legs by its nature

FL cover herself and ask the caller their name before letting them in?

FL leadership opinions on illegal immigration during Hussein admin?

FL control critical for ingress/egress, but also for ESCAPE




So many infamous "terrorists" & "shooters" shown to us by MSM from:


> ooh that voter fraud is biting them in the ass. Dark To Light, Sunrise



Anonymous ID: 329e91 Nov. 10, 2018, 8:55 p.m. No.3844949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4956


Prediction Time


What's next (cont.)_2:


  • AZ corrupt [human/drug trafficking command point]*

There's a Rothschild in there

> their family has a bad reputation amongst the majority WW, I wonder if they've been able to see that from way up there, upon high horses standing on a mountain of gold piled atop their pristine ivory tower?

Janet Napolitano & the AZ Mafia

AZ spellbound to let anyone under her skirt

> the spell fractured & dying :– POTUS + MAGA + MIL

MAJOR drug/human ingress/egress for years

Hands were tied (sometimes punished) for years re Border Security, thanks to Hussein

South TX has similar issues, but overall much less Cabal/DS oriented centers of control

> and at least they don't have a Rothschild nor a Boss Janet, nor ever endured the penalty of having a NoName



  • NOTE: the majority Democrat-strong districts/cities are along the border. Control the ROUTERS, control what flows through them (ex. humans, drugs, hitmen, safe passages, etc)

This is not good, until the Democrat Party somehow escapes the black hole of Socialist/Communist delusion

> currently led by the nostrils, the balls, the hearts and/or the psyches by stringpullers @home + WW


POTUS regains the ROUTERS 4 America? Cabal WW tightens its sphincter inducing an unpleasant gasp, then they fumble their wineglass which hasn't occurred in centuries of collective family histories



Anonymous ID: 329e91 Nov. 10, 2018, 8:55 p.m. No.3844956   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4960 >>5067


Prediction Time


What's next (cont.)_3:


  • FISA DECLAS –leads to–:*

Sealed Indictments unsealed

Muh Russia dissolved, POTUS exonerated

Stupid & Sneaky people look bad publicly

> Will Mueller & RR turn out to have been /ourguys/ ?

POTUS has chance to Ultra-Troll Fake News and be utterly insulated


Prosecution can begin (Huber/Horowitz –: Whitaker)

> a guess at that movement thru Whitaker, any anons with insight plz comment

Senate support

SCOTUS maj support

MIL 17 steps ahead


Black Hats expose

Public shock at names involved + criminal accusations made (The WHO & The WHAT)

Public shock at evidence + proof (The HOW + logical proof of the WHY, which can be supplemented When Birds Sing)

>prior emmolients + MIL + Faith-in-America-restoration –: better ease @ assimilation w/o psych backlash for maj

Black Hats WW connected expose

> PapaD? JA? Who else?

Public shock at names involved, more overwhelming

> historically unprecedented initial slap of reality for maj public WW regarding "officially publicized" Bad Guys WW working with Bad Americans to destroy America right under the majority's noses


WORTH NOTING: Macron, an ex-Rothschild banker, had recently been calling for a "European Army"






Anonymous ID: 329e91 Nov. 10, 2018, 8:55 p.m. No.3844960   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4962


Prediction Time


What's next (cont.)_4:



  • EFFECT: some will find their MAGA galvanized = they shine brighter in MAGA spirit, spreads more easily


  • EFFECT: some aligned with Dem/Antifa/Socialism/MuhCulturalMarxism will go haywire, some organized, some autonomous (common effect, kek)

Will MS-13 & related wetworks4hire be resolved by then?

> SESSIONS "War on South American Cartels"

Will Social Media be 'rectified' by then?

> SCOTUS, class action, China, Orwellian Control, etc


  • EFFECT: Nobody can escape a Historic Event, especially those who were directly involved with it. Emotional Impact on public embosses event in memory & psyche


  • EFFECT: FISA DECLAS alters reality for everyone, Americans impacted most WW


> effective MSM ULTIMATUM

> "We Know" @WW

> American maj has radical catalyst for understanding the reality of conspiracy VS clown programming, what secure means VS the Dem utopian promise, etc

> American maj can reckon with the fact that traditionally trusted institutions can indeed have opportunistic & diabolical groups within them abusing those powers. Some never wanted to believe this was possible and can no longer deny it. Some would still defend those actions, bc OrangeManBad, but that spell is losing members every day

> American maj will see the NAMES in FISA DECLAS. This alone will radically change perspectives en masse


  • EFFECT: DECLAS –: Door Open to Sealed Indictments






Anonymous ID: 329e91 Nov. 10, 2018, 8:56 p.m. No.3844962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5093 >>5188 >>5241


Prediction Time


What's next (cont.)_5:




I would keep on predicting into the future, but I grow fatigued, my resolution begins to waver

For those of you who have read along this far, I am thankful for your attention


Things to look out for POST-UNSEALING

*(post-/our/POTUS 2020)


  • EU beauracracy will gradually lose their minds, Tusk already talking shit

> crescendoing anti-migration sentiment, catalyzed by Italy, Hungary, etc

> Europe pop maj anti-EU sentiment grows and spreads, barely anybody wants to lose their history

> It's getting tougher for the EU to make big business deals in the Middle East isn't it, kek


  • Americans will UNITE

> How will everyone feel when those indictments are unsealed? When The Rule Of Law regarding something at this level is not being perverted and gamed, for the first time in generations?

> POTUS Exonerated = Solidify Base + win over the undecided

> public opinion of MSM worse than ever, due to the extent MSM went against POTUS using Muh Russia as their ultimate shield. Possible to see a mass journalist exodus in form of resignations.

> Truth of ongoings in NY, CA, AZ, FL, and some others to a lesser extent, especially regarding human/drug trafficking


  • Democrat Party REFORM

> Inescapable. Toxic to those connected.

> HRC Video timing?


  • WALL COMPLETE + Immigration Reform

> Unstoppable. See Democrat Party REFORM.


  • Education System REFORM

> Goodbye COMMON CORE with Bill Gates fingerprints and saliva all over it


  • EU army push (by the beauraucrats with shat pants)


  • The line between sovereign governments and the Cabal will be drawn with acceleration into the light.



Keep up the good work Patriots

Your efforts are noticed and appreciated


